Derek Morgan X Victim child reader P1

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Can't believe I've written more than 40 oneshots fir Criminal minds already.

Request: Hello! Could you please do one with Morgan or Spencer x victim (boy) reader? If you don't want to or don't have time it's okay!

Of course I can

Third person pov...

Y/N was tired, he was scared, he was covered in cuts and blood, the 10 year old had been kidnapped and He wasn't going to be let go anytime soon.

It was a few weeks ago when Y/N was walking home from school it was late almost 5pm, the 10 year old had tennis after school, the practise ran late and his parents where still working and older brother was at his part time job, so the boy walked home alone, he was careful and kept to well lit roads and stayed near homes.

Weeks before when the killings first started the FBI were called in as a serial killer was out kidnapping kids when they are alone, Y/Ns school had gotten a visit from the agents themselves and they told them what to do if it happened to them.

They also gave them a profile of the killer. He was a while male, in his late 30s, he would seem quiet, trusting and liked kids a little to much, but was quick to anger and would use force if his victim wouldn't listen, he was a preferential killer and only took and killed young boys aged 10 to 13.

His house wasn't far from the school, the boy was thirsty as he was getting his water out of the bag someone from behind approached him, the boy looked out of the corner of his E/C eyes, he saw a man, he had a friendly smile on his face as he watched Y/N, it was creepy.

"Hey there, you okay son" he asks Y/N nods slowly not trusting this guy one bit. "Just getting some water" says Y/N remembering the profile, if this guy was the killer, he didn't want to make him angry.

The man still didn't leave but was watching the boy, once he finished drinking, the man moves his hand towards the boy, Y/N moved back slightly 'bad move' he thinks eyeing the guy carefully. the man only smiled tightly and pet his head it was rough as if the man was trying to not show his anger.

Just as Y/N goes to stand up the man moves closer, and Y/N moved back the hand on his head didn't move but he gripped the H/C locks tight Y/N cries out in pain. "Let go of me!" he tried to yell but it comes out as a whisper.

the man's face turned angry, Y/N tries to twist out of the hold, but the man was strong, the 10 year old then kicks the guy shin as hard as he could. "You little brat!" he exclaims letting go of the boys hair to hold his leg.

Taking this chance Y/N quickly abandons his bag and everything in it and started sprinting he made loud sounds and yelled loud hoping the people in their homes would hear him but was unsuccessful, he ran and ran until he tripped over his laces.

The boy went forward, his chin hit the pavement first along with his hands then his knees, they were defiantly scratched up, he cries in pain but stands up he cant stop running, he looks back but the guy isn't there confused he stops running, which wasn't a smart idea.

A hand covers his mouth an arm wraps around his arms and waist trapping them he g=can only kick his legs, with in seconds he was out cold, the man smiles at the unconscious boy in his arms and begins carrying him to the conveniently parked van.

Criminal Minds x child Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now