Spencer Reid X Aaron Hotchner X Trans reader

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Request: Can you do one with Spencer Reid's daughter who is trans and does not know how to tell her dad, so she confides in her uncle Aaron about this issue and stuff?

Y/D/N - Your Dead Name

Y/N is Trans F t M.

Third person pov...

Y/N walks into the FBI building with one thing in mind. Talking to his Uncle Aaron, the unit chief of the Behavioural Analysis Unit. The teen was nervous as he gets passed the resection desk and onto the elevator.

He had something important to ask his uncle, that he can tell his dad. He sways on his feet as he waits, Anxiety increasing as he finally makes it to the right floor.

He steps on to the floor as the elevator doors open, he then walks into the Bullpen, smiling and waving at his dad's team. "Y/D/N! What are you doing here sweetie, Spence is not in today?" Askes JJ noticing the genius' kid standing alone in the spacious room.

The others greet the teen, Y/N tries to hide a flinch at the name but just smiles back at the woman. "Hello Auntie JJ, I'm not here for Dad but for Uncle Aaron" he explains to the woman, JJ smiles. "Ah of course, he's in his office" she says.

He smiles "of course where else would he be" this makes the woman and team laugh at his jab at their boss, He then hugs her and walks to his uncle's office; He knocks on the door to the man's office. "Come in" comes the tired voice on his uncle, Hotch is sat at his desk going over some files for their latest case.

A quiet knock on the door interrupted Aaron Hotchner's morning coffee. He sighed, knowing it was probably another case coming in. But when his door opened it was not a case coming in only his Nephew Y/N Reid.

He looks up to greet the person who walks in a smile rises on his usual stoic face. "Y/N! What a surprise" he was the only one who knew the boys' true gender and Name. He stood up as the teen walked in and shut the door, they hugged Y/N relaxes slightly at it before tensing again.

It was only a couple years ago the young teen broke down on his sofa and told the man everything, since then he has been nothing but supportive for his nephew.

The teen took a deep breath and pushed back the tears that threatened to spill. Instead, he gave the man a watery smile before sitting on the sofa opposite his uncle.

Hotch notices the boy almost crying, he stands from his desk leaving the paper forgotten and sits next to the boy, something was wrong. "What's wrong N/N?" He asks holding the boys' shoulders, Y/N sniffs and looks up to his uncle.

Y/N took another deep breath and finally spoke the words that had been weighing on his shoulders for so long. "-I don't know how to tell Dad, I'm Trans He's so logical and scientific, I'm afraid he won't understand or accept me." Cries the boy.

Hot tears fall down his pale cheeks, Aaron could not imagine how scared he must have been feeling. As a single father, Spencer Reid did everything he could to protect and support his daughter- now Son, but this was uncharted territory for both of them.

"Y/N, your dad loves you no matter what. Besides, he already knows" Y/N lifted his head and looked at his uncle in surprise. "What do you mean?" he questions the man.

Aaron smiled softly. "I mean, he is your father. He knows you better than anyone. And as an FBI profiler, he is trained to observe and pick up on even the smallest details. He already knows you are struggling with your gender identity." He explains to the boy.

Aaron watches as the teen's eyes filled with more tears, but this time they were tears of relief, he had feared rejection from his father, but knowing that he might already understand made the boy feel a bit more at ease. "Do you think he'll be okay with it?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

Hotch gives him a pained smile "I cannot promise anything, but I do know that your dad loves you more than anything in this world. And no matter what, he will support you" Aaron reassured the boy sitting next to him, giving the teens hand another gentle squeeze.

As if on cue, Spencer Reid burst into his office, a look of panic on his face. "Y/D/N! where have you-oh, thank god you're here" he breathed, his eyes wide with relief as he rushed to his Childs side.

The tall lanky man grabbed his kid into a tight hug, he hadn't seen him all day and grew worried, Spencer pulled back when he started to speak "Dad, I need to tell you something" Y/N started, but before he could say anything else, Spencer pulled the boy into another tight hug not letting go.

"I love you, Y/D/N No matter what you want to tell me, I will always love you" he said, his voice full of emotion, tears once again began streaming down the teens face as he hugged his father back.

The weight of his secret finally lifted off his shoulders, he knew it would not be easy, but having his father's love and support meant everything to the teenager.

Together, the three of them talked, cried, and laughed. Aaron and Spencer reassured Y/N that he was loved and accepted, and that they would do whatever it takes to make sure he felt comfortable in his own skin. And in that moment, Y/N knew that she was not just their son and nephew, he was their child, and they would do anything for him.

Once they stopped crying Y/N was able to tell his dad his preferred name, Spencer was more than happy to and apologies for using his dead name so many times before, Y/N just smiled and stayed cuddled up in his dads' arms.

Later that same day he was finally brave enough to tell the rest of the team he was trans, they all accepted him with love and support, Y/N was incredibly grateful for all his family and their love.

The end!

Hope you liked this one shot, so sorry for the wait did not have a lot of motivation, as usual sorry for spelling and grammar mistakes.

Requests are open!

Word count: 1120

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