Spencer Reid x young male brother reader

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Summary: Could it be like there is this case of the bau that Spencer was working on but the sibling in the wanting to colaborate without Spencer knowing ends up getting involved and capture hostage by the unsub ?

Third person pov...

Y/N Reid is 15 years old and is very smart for his age, the teen has helped his big brother Dr Spencer Reid and his Team many times in their cases, they have colaborated with the teen and they almost always get the Unsub thanks to the boy.

He was brilliant, very intelligent and like his older brother had skipped many grades in school, he is officially a college student in his first year studying criminology, like Spencer he wants to be a profiler and work for the FBI.

It was early morning when Spencer was woke up by his phone ringing, it was Hotch they had a case, The Dr quickly jumps out of bed and gets dressed, he does his hair and brushes his teeth before running to wake up his younger brother Y/N to tell him he will be at work.

The older brother shakes his little brother awake the young boy grumbles and psyching the offending hand away and turning around in his bed, Spencer sighs smiling fondly at the boy before turning on the alarm next to him.

The loud beeping effectively wakes up the tired 15 year old. Y/N jumps awake yelling, arms failing to hit the annoying sound, as he was wiggling around he feel backwards off his bed and landed hard on the cold hard wood floors.

Groaning in pain the boy stares up at his older brother who was trying to hide his laughter. "Hey!" He yelled trying to stand up but realised his legs were all tangled up in. "Haha I'm sorry Y/N I just wanted to let you know I have a case, I'll call you later okay" Says Spencer to the still asleep boy.

Y/N throws his arms over his face and grumbles a response making his brother laugh fondly at his baby brother before leaving the small apartment they live in together.

After 10 minutes of laying on the floor Y/Ns alarm goes off at the time it was supposed to before Spencer fiddled with it. The boy groans in annoyance and reaches up to the alarm grabs it and throws it across the room, hearing the thump it made, made the boy smile and lay back down on his floor.

He closed his eyes again, he knew it was late but Y/N didn't have class for the day, eventually he gets up and get dressed for the day. The 15 year old walks into the main room and wlaks over to the bookcase where all off the books him and his brother collected over the years.

Y/N hums as he grabs a couple to read, he then sits on the sofa and begins to read, he gets to the middle of his book before his phone rings. Sighing he puts in a bookmark and answers the call.

"Hello" he says not bothering to look at the caller id, thankfully for him it was Penelope Garcia. "Hey sugarplum!" She yells excitedly into the phone.

Y/N quickly pulls it away from his ear and eagerly yells back. "Hey rainbow, what's happening?" He asks knowing Penelope wouldn't call unless it was important.

"Well Sugarplum, your being called into the colaborate with the Team again, they need your input pronto!" Exclaimed Penelope. This made Y/N happy, he leaps up from the sofa "wooohooo! I'll be right there Rainbow!" He yells before ending the call.

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