Spencer Reid x Autistic Sister Reader

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Yes Y/N in this is autistic because i am there will be alot of Autistic reader oneshots in here.

Summary: Spencers little sister is at the BAU waiting for her brother to return home, when she finds out hes being tortured by Tobias Hankel.

third person pov...

11 year old Y/N Reid was wondering around the BAU waiting for her brother and his team to come home safe, she was currently spinning around in her brothers chair and playing with one of her many fidgets, like her older brother Y/N is also autistic.

The little girl had her noise cancelling headphones on, At the minute the BAU are pursuing a religious killing team in Atlanta that sets up computer webcams to record their murders and post them on the Internet, Y/N might've looked over at her brothers file before they left.

The little girl wasn't fazed by the dead bodies and blood, sometimes she even helps the team with their cases and helps Penelope on her computer. Y/N special interest is criminology and computers she can hack into anything without leaving a trace, she leant from the best Penelope Garcia.

Y/N soon gets a call from Derek Morgan, quickly the girl answers it hoping everything is okay. "Hey Pretty girl" he greets her, Y/N giggles happily at the name. Even she has a nickname by Morgan like her brother who is Pretty Boy.

"Hi everything okay?" she asks knowing they were still working, the girl was confused why the man was calling her, she hears the man sigh quietly before answering. "Somethings happened Pretty girl, something bad" he said solemnly.

Y/Ns heart starts beating fast her anxiety rising when she speaks her voice is a whisper. "what's happened? Is it Spence? Is my brother okay?" she asks question spilling out of her mouth, her main concern is her brother.

As her anxiety rises Morgan calm voice calms her down. "no Pretty Girl he isn't dead so don't worry your little head, just hes been kidnapped by the Unsub. But! We are in the process of finding him" says the man, but is met with silence as Y/N froze.

Her brother has been taken hostage by the Unsub who is a psychotic serial killer. The 11 year old then jumps from her brothers chair and sprints to Penelope's Batcave, the blonde haired ball of sunshine is on the case with the team so her office is free.

The girl skilfully hacks into the computer frame where the team was and appears in a call with them, she could seem them and what was on the screen, from her side it looked like Penelope was sitting at the unsub's computer.

The whole teams' eyes widened at seeing the young Reid sitting at Penelope's desk. Morgan still on the phone ends the call and begins talking to the scared girl. "Pretty girl you shouldn't help us, we don't know what's happening it could be something bad" reasons Morgan trying to get the young girl to leave.

Y/N shakes her head, "I cant leave my brother is in danger" she says glaring at Morgan through the scene the 11 year old then turns to Hotch, she looks him dead in the eye (usually she can't do eye contact with anyone) the eye contact surprised everyone usually she would avoid it but it shows how serious she is about helping.

"Please let me help" she says to Bossman.

Hotch sighs and looks at Gideon who shrugs his shoulder, the man then turns back to the little girl on screen a grim look on his face "okay I will let you but if it gets to much for you, you wont help" he says the H/C girl nods her head a thankful look on her face.

Suddenly the screens turn black before Reid is shown tied up on a chair in the middle of a room. Everyone eyes widened, Y/Ns eye well up in tears as she sees her brother tied up by the Unsub. "Spence" she whispers as she sees her brother grabbed by the Unsub.

He has blood running down one side of his face, he looked so scared, the team start tracing the video that was streaming trying to pinpoint his exact location. Y/N can hear the unsub telling her brother to pick another victim, but he refuses which ends up with Spencer being hit.

Y/Ns eyes widened in horror at what she sees, Morgan storms off out of the room while Penelope attempts to comfort the distraught child on the screen, Y/N begins to rock herself in Penelope's chair as she goes over what she has just seen on the screen, trying to calm herself down she begins to think about her brother at least she knows he is alive, the team will save him.

Time skip...

The team finally found Spencer and Tobias Hankel, on the plane ride home the team was telling him all about his sister and how she helped them find where he was. "Y/N was very helpful in finding you" says Hotch as the young man smiles he sister is amazing. "I'm glad she was there" he mumbled.

Spencer couldn't wait to get home and see his siter, once the team arrived at HQ Spencer looks around the bullpen for Y/N but didn't see her, he looked at his desk and she wasn't there, confused he went to go and ask someone but was stopped when a pair of arms wrapped around him crushing him to them.

Spencer relaxes when he sees Y/C hair, the tall man then wraps his little sister into a big hug as the crying girl sobbed in his chest happy to have him safe and sound back home, it was hours until the girl fell asleep still holding onto her brother.

Spencer walked into the roundtable where the others were finishing up with Y/N in his arms, JJ looked at them her eyes were sad, Spencer was confused until they told him about the video and how Y/N was affected by it, she was so scared she would loose her brother that she did everything in her power to rescue him.

After the story Spencer looked down at the head resting in the crook of his neck and gently kissed Y/Ns head. "Thank you for saving me Y/N/N" he whispers before the two geniuses left the building.

The end!

Hope you liked this one shot, this episode always got me, my poor Precious tortured by a physio, but anyway sorry again about the grammar and spelling mistakes.

Requests are open!

Word count: 1102

Criminal Minds x child Reader OneshotsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon