Jason Gideon X Niece child reader

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Request: Maybe Gideon interacting with a child/teen reader. Maybe one of the other BAU team members kid??

I need to write more Gideon oneshots.

Third person pov...

The sun was shining, birds were singing, and the slight smell of charcoal and hamburger wafted through the air. It was a beautiful day for a BBQ at Gideon's house. It was a normal Saturday for the team and for once they actually get to enjoy their Saturday

Before the team left for home Gideon invited them and their family round for a BBQ, which surprised the team, but they all agreed.

Currently it was 11am and Gideons niece Y/N was getting ready, the kid was nervous about meeting the team as she hadn't before. The H/C girl was done with her hair and ran downstairs where her uncle was setting up the barbeque.

As she came out she ran over to her uncle. "Uncle I'm ready are they here yet!" She exclaimed making the man jump, he looked behind him and smiles at his energetic niece.

Usually she is on the quiet side but this bargeque is making her excited. "Don't worry Y/N they will ve her every soon, why don't you get some games out ti play with Jack and Henry" he suggests.

Y/Ns smiles grows even wider. "Oh yes I should do that" she said before running to the shed and getting out some games to play.

After that she helped her Uncle bring out the many chairs they need for everyone to sit outside and enjoy the sun.

Each member was bringing something, Derek and Penelope are bringing drinks for both adults and kids, Hotch and his wife Haley were bringing snacks and foodie stuff, Spencer and Emily were bringing games for the kids and anyone else to play.

Finally, JJ and Will were bringing the burgers, hotdogs and other food to be grilled so they wont run out, Henry and Jack are also coming so Y/N has kids her age to play with.

Once the clock hit 11.30am the door bell rang, Y/N jumps over to her Uncle who heard the bell and was walking back inside. "They're here they're here!" Exclaims the young girl.

Gideon laughs as he opens the door, Y/N then goes quiet and hides behind her Uncle. "Hey Gideon!" Exclaimed Derek as he walked in holding drinks for the adults.

Behind him came Penelope woth drinks for the kids "Hello sir" she says politely before running after Derek, next came JJ and Will woth Henry. JJ had the burgers and Will was holding the hot dig buns and other bits. "Thank you for inviting us" Says the Southern man walking after his wife.

After them came Spencer and Emily, "We've got games!" Exclaims the black haired woman making Henry and Penelope cheer, Spencer shook his head and set the game she bought down.

Lastly Hotch and his Wife walk in, Jack runs in and up to Henry the too boys begin talking fast. Hotch was holding snacks for everyone, as was Haley.

Once the food was put down and everyone had a drink and a place to sit, Gideon introduced them to his niece. "Everybody, this is my niece, Y/N" Gideon said, pulling the girl out from behind his legs, She was shy and timid, but the team welcomed her with open arms.

The team members all smiled and welcomed her to the gathering. Y/N seemed a bit shy, but the team was friendly and she eventually came out of her shell.

Y/N was as an only child, so she was delighted to have such a large group of people over to her uncle's house. She watched as the team ate, laughed, and talked. She was amazed by how everyone seemed to get along so well, like a family.

Throughout the day, Y/N hung around the team, listening to their stories and asking them questions.

She was especially interested in how the BAU team solved their cases. Of course her Uncle had told he rmany of them but was happy to hear them from everyone else.

As the team enjoyed their BBQ and getting to know Y/N, Hotch and JJ brought over their sons to meet Y/N, Henry and Jack instantly ran up to Y/N and they all quickly became friends.

The H/C girl lit up when she was playing with Hotch and JJ's kids, they decided to play football, Y/N was pretty good she was always a quick runner.

The team laughed and talked as they watched the children play. This was more than just a BBQ now; it was a family gathering. Everyone was happy to have a chance to meet Gideon's niece and relax for the day which no cases.

The sun eventually began to set and it was time for everybody to go home. One by one, the BAU team members said their goodbyes and took their leave. But before leaving, Gideon smiled and told Y/N that they would stay in touch and they would have another gathering soon.

The BAU team left Gideon's house feeling content and special. They had all enjoyed their BBQ and meeting Y/N.

Before leaving Jack and Henry surprised their parents by hugging Y/N goodbye, each member had taken many pictures throughout the day to remember how much fun they had.

The team left with smiles on their faces. this BBQ was definitely one to remember, after clearing up Y/N was getting ready for bed when her Uncle knocked.

"Come in!" She exclaimed jumping onto her bed, Gideon walked in a smile on his usually neutral face. "Did you have fun today Y/N?" He asks her already knowing the answer.

The little girl grinned up at him. "Yes definitely the best fun I ever had Uncle" she says, Gideon then tucks her into bed.

"I'm glad, good night sparrow" he says kissing her forehead ans turning out the light. "Good night Uncle" Says Y/N before closing her eyes ans falling asleep.

The end!

Hope you liked this oneshot as usual so sorry for the grammar and Spelling mistakes!

Request are open!

Wors count: 1042

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