Emily Prentiss x Baby daughter reader

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Summary: 3 year old Y/N is sick so Mama Emily calls on two people to help her look after her sick child.

Third person pov...

Loud crying wakes up Emily Prentiss, the black haired woman, jumps up form her bed gun in hand, the crying was coming from the room her kid was is, yawning the Mother tucks her gun into her waist band.

She then makes her way out of her room and to the room next to hers, she turns on the night light by the door before walking up to the crib in the middle of the room, the woman does a quick look around before bending down nad picking up the crying child.

"Shh Shh your okay, your okay N/N it's me it's mama" she whispers to the child. Y/N had snot running down her face, so Emily grabbed a tissue and whiped her face, but the snot keep coming which made the child cry even more.

Emily holds the child to her hip and rubs a hand up and down her back trying to calm the three year old down, soon Y/N was only sniffling slightly.

Thw three year old was sucking her thumb with her had leaning against Emily's bare shoudler, she now realised she was only wearing a tank top and short knowonder she felt cold.

"Whats wrong N/N can you tell Mama?" Emily asks the baby in her arms, Y/N shakes her head and cuddles closer into her Mama still sniffling. "head hurt" came the mumbled croaky voice of Y/N.

Emily frowns, "oh no poor baby" she coos as Y/N cuddles more into her,  Y/N is only this cuddly when she isn't feeling well, Emily touches her hand to Y/N forehead, it felt a littler warm, Emily looked closer and saw a red ting to Y/Ns cheeks.

"No need for the hospital yet" mumbles Emily, she then lifts YN head up and listens to her breathing. "Sounds a little chesty" Emily was at a loss at what she should do.

The woman stands rocking Y/N for a minute before remembering who else has kids. "Of course Hotch and JJ" she exclaims grabbing her phone from her room and bringing up her contacts.

She paused, who should she call JJ or Hotch, both have kids ans both should know how to help. She then looks at the baby in her arms.

"Who should I call Y/N?" She asks thr three year old, the E/C eyed baby looks up at her Mama and coughs loudly before she starts bawling again.

Emily comforts her  "Ohhh ohh shhh shhh it's okay N/N, your okay" she whispers kissing her daughters head lovingly, she then clicks on JJs contact, she then put the phone on speaker and waited for JJ to pick up.

As she waited Emily looked at the clock on her desk, it read 3.30am "sorry JJ" she mumbles realising JJ would be a sleep still, then finally said Blonde woman answered the phone. "Emily is everything okay?" came JJs worried voice through the phone.

Emily then grabbed it and held it up to her face. "Hey Jen, sorry for calling so late, its Y/N i think shes ill but im not sure what to do" explained the black haired woman, silence is hear before JJ starts laughting.

"baby troubles, thats what you called me for" laughed the blonde making Emily blush. "well it was either you or Hotch because you both have kids" pouted the Black haired woman as JJs laughter died down.

"okay, so Y/Ns ill, have you checked her forehead for a fever?"

"yep done that she did feel a little warm, also she has quite chesty coughs as well and she complained of a headache. im not sure what to do JJ" whines Emily, she was clueless and hopfully JJ might be able to help her.

"okay okay i get it, Have you given her any medicine?" askes JJ

Emily face palms internal, the one thing she didnt think to give her 3 year old. "no i havent done that it didnt even cross my mind" confessed Emily, she was greeted with JJ laughing at her misery. 

"of course, its natural you're a first time parent, it takes time to learn to be calm during these kinds of situations" JJ says, Emily begins walking to the bathroom to get some nedicine for Y/N. 

"yeah thanks for the help JJ"

"of course Em, good night"

"night Jen" 

Emily then ends the call and puts her phone in her pocket and uses one hand to riffle through the medicine cabinet. she soon finds some paracetamol, she then grabs the right amount for a three year old, the then went to the kitchen and filled a cup of water for Y/N.

Emily then pried her arms away from her neck so she could sit on the counter and have the medicine, Emily crushed the tablets into half and gave them to Y/N, the baby whines but swallows them.

once she was done Emily whiped Y/Ns nose again and picked her up. "hopefully that will help your head ache N/N" she mutters before walking back upstairs and into her room knowing Y/N will want to sleep with her.

once they were both under the covers Emily made sure Y/N was breathing before falling asleep, herself. It was only an hour later she was once again woken up to crying, the mother bouced awake and turned around to see Y/N bawling her eyes out once again.

Emily then sits up with Y/N in her arms, Emilys tired to comfort her but nothing will work. "what should i do, i cant call JJ again" mumbled Emily before groaning the only other person she could call would be her Boss.

She looked down at her still crying child and gave in for Y/Ns sake, she turned on her phone and clicked on Hothes number, Emily rubs Y/Ns back comfortingly as the girl cries and coughs, it breaks Emilys heart.

A few rings later and Hotch answers. "Prentiss? is everything okay" he asks as Emily shhhes Y/N. "Hey Hotch sorry for calling so late i jsut really need some advice" she yelled over the crying.

she could practically see Hotch raising an eyebrow. "of course that that would be?" he askes

"Children advice, pacifically when they are ill" she say, Hotch goes silent before he speaks. "it Y/N okay?" he asks worried about the baby.

"thats the thing Hotch, i don't know whats wrong with her, she has a small fever, she complained of a headache, shes coughing alot, runny nose, possible sore thraot" says Emily listening of Y/Ns sy,toms. 

"sounds like she has a cold to me Prentiss" says Hotch

"of course the most simplest thing and it went completely over my head, sorry to bother you with this Hotch" Says Emily now she felt bad waking him up for a cold.

she hears Hotch laugh slightly over the phone "its all okay Prentiss i understand, first time parent is hard especially when your child is sick, you could make a honey and lemon water for her to sooth the sore throat" said the man.

Emily thought about it. "sounds like a good idea, thanks Hotch sorry again" says Emily before ending the call, she looks down at the child who finally stopped crying and fell asleep in her arms.

"finally" she whispers before deciding to stay in her positions she didnt want to wakw up Y/N again.

the end!

i hope you liked this ineshot! and as usual so sorry for the grammar and spelling mistakes.

requests are open!

word count: 1235

Criminal Minds x child Reader Oneshotsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें