David Rossi x Daughter reader

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welcome to the third oneshot!

summary: David Rossis daughter gets taken in for interrogation by the BAU not knowing who she was related too.

The Italian in this is used by Google translate.

third person pov...

It was a normal day for Y/N Rossi, she had planned the perfect Dad and Daughter day out, she even packed a picnic for them, until Her dad's phone rang it was Agent Hotchner.

Rossi looked at his Daughter apologetically before answering. "Hey Aaron" he said to the man, Hotch then told him about the case they now have luckily it was local.

"Okay, see you soon" said the old Italian, he then walked back to his 16 year old daughter a sad smile on his face as she walked around the kitchen making food.

He sighed making the girl turn around to look at him. "Chi ti chiamava papà?" The teenager asked him, he looks at her thwn at his phone, Rossi then pushes himself of the wall and over to his daughter.

"Non preoccuparti, era solo Aaron" He tells her, this made the girl raise her eyebrow at her Papa. She looked into his eyes for a minute before looking away. "stai mentendo papà" she says to Rossi.

The man sighs, nothing gets past his daughter. He then turns her around so she was facing him he looked into her eyes. "Mi dispiace piccola. Aaron ha chiamato perché abbiamo un caso." He speaks.

Y/Ns face turns sad at what her Papa said, she knows his job it hard and requires for him to be away alot, but she can't help but feel sad when they have plans ans he ended up working.

She looks at him with puppy eyes, knowing her Papa can't resist her. "Hai da lavorare oggi? Papà" she asks him, she watches his face and its expressions as he thinks of something to say.

Instead he leans in and kisses her forehead like he always does. "lo faccio, mi dispiace piccola ma il caso è locale quindi dovremmo essere in grado di avere la nostra giornata di papà e figlia." He says making his daughter understand.

Rossi then checks his watch, his eyes widened he should be at the office 10 minutes ago. He thenctjrns to his daughter and kisses her forehead and hugs her tightly. "merda, devo andare. mi dispiace piccola, ci vediamo dopo ti amo" Says the elder Italian.

Y/N sighs at her Papa and hands him his go bag knowing he would need it at some point, she waves to her Papa as he races out the door and into the car.

Y/N smiles sadly and wlaks back inside the house, the 16 year old begins putting the food she got out back into the cupboards and put the basket away.

"Of course Papa had to work" she says to herself before walking into the living room and sitting on the sofa, the young girl then turned the TV on and began watching one of her favourite shows.

Time skip...

It had been a couple of hours since her Dad left for work, Y/N had fallen asleep on the sofa, the young Italian stretches out on the sofa and turns the TV off before standing up she was hungry.

The H/C girl them walked to the kitchen and began making herself a sandwich, he grabbed the knife and cut the baguette to the size she wants it.

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