Spencer Reid x blind daughter reader

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Request from Ao3

Request: Can you write a father Spencer Reid fluffy blind daughter. The Spencer beings her into work on a slow day at work and they read together and the team see it.

Third person pov...

Spencer Reid was a devoted father of a young daughter named Y/N. She was blind, but that didn't stop her from living a full life.

Spencer had always found ways to make her feel included and special, and today was no different. So when he had an unexpected and slow day at work, he decided to bring his six-year-old daughter, who happened to be visually impaired, along with him.

Once his daughter was dressed Spencer grabbed his stuff for work. Once he was done he also packed a couple of Braille books for his daughter to read while he is busy and some books for him to read to her.

"Okay ready to go N/N?" He questions her the 6 year old jumps up and down excited to go to her Daddy's work. "Yes very much Daddy!" She exclaimed making Spencer laugh at how excited she was.

He then grabbed thr front doors keys. "Then let's go!" He exclaimed jsut as energetic as his daughter, the two then leave the apartment and walk downstairs to the entrance, Spencer walking behind his daughter to make sure she doesn't fall.

He knows she can navigate their building jsut fine, but he still worries, once they make it downstairs Y/N holds out her hand tk her Dad knowing she will need his help.

Spencer smiles and take sher tiny hand in his. "Of we go!" He says the two walk through the busy streets of Quantico together, of course people watch as they walk.

Spencer jsut looks forward knowing they were curious about the blind 6 year old with him wearing her black sunglasses and a lanyard that told people she was blind.

The little girl skips happily down the path knowing her Dad would stop her from walking into anything. "I can't wait to read with you Daddy!" She says happy, Spencer smiles.

They are almost at the station. "Me too Y/N, you will get to meet my team as well don't forget" he says reminding the girl.

The 6 year old gasps comically before breaking out into a big smile. "Oh yeah, I can't wait to meet them, arw they jsut as you described to me Daddy?" She asks.

Spencer always tells his daughter about what he and his team did when the come back from cases. Of course he eaves out all the blood and how they found the bodies.

He told his daughter about each member of the team ans described them in detail so she knows what they look like with out seeing them, Y/N always enjoyed hearing stories from her Daddy.

Soon they get if the train and get onto the floor that the BAU are on, He set up a small desk next to his desk, Y/N sat there with her books while Spencer worked nearby.

At first, the office was quiet, but soon the other agents began to notice Spencer and Y/N, soon the other members of the team noticed the sweet father-daughter moment.

Some of the team members stopped by to say hello to Y/N and she greeted them with a smile. They were curious and wanted to know why she was there.

Spencer explained that he wanted Y/N to be able to experience the world in a different way, and he read books to her out loud while she followed along in her own braille copy.

It wasn't long before the whole team was gathered around Spencer's desk watching as he and Y/N read together. Soon, a discussion began about the book they were reading, and the team was pleasantly surprised to find that Y/N was a knowledgeable and insightful reader.

The agents were amazed by Y/Ns enthusiasm and intelligence as she followed along with the stories. Soon, the entire office was listening in awe as Spencer read to Y/N. They were all moved by Y/N courage and resilience, and touched by the bond between father and daughter.

Spencer and Y/N spent the rest of the afternoon reading together, surrounded by the team. Even Bossman who was completely fine with Reid reading woth his daughter.

He knew the yojng Dr was also doing his work in-between, it was a beautiful reminder of how important it is to include those with disabilities in everyday life, and to show them that they are just as valuable as anyone else.

At the end of the day, the agents all said their goodbyes to Y/N who excitedly waved back a griant smile on her face and thanked Spencer for bringing her to work.

Y/N left feeling proud of herself, and Spencer left feeling proud of his daughter. They both had a new appreciation for the power of books, and the power of family.

As the two walk back home Y/N is skipping and swinging her and her daddies arms. "Thank you for taking me Daddy" she says in the quiet night.

Spencer looks down at his Daughter whis smile hadn't left her face since they left the office. He raises an eyebrow before smiling and ruffling his daughters hair.

"Of course N/N, I'm glad you had a fun time reading with me and meeting my team" he says, Y/N,continues her skipping "of course why wouldn't I they are you family as much as I am" she says.

Spencer then surprises the 6 year old by picking her up and putting her on his shoulders, thr child yelps before holding onto his hands tightly.

"Daddy's warn me next time!" She exclaimed trying to tell of her dad which ends in her giggling. "Sorry Y/N" laughs Spencer as the two make their way home.

The end!

Hope you liked this oneshot, sk sorry for thr wait! Sorry for the grammar and Spelling mistakes.

Request are open!

Word count: 1025

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