Spencer Reid x daughter reader

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Request: hiii!! Could i get a simple one shot where its specer reid x daughter(6) who had woken up with the flu in the middle of the night, and reid is just the best dad ever, if you can throw in a bed wetting scene as well, Lots of comfort i love your writting so much🤍

This idea is adorable thank you for requesting!

Third person pov...

Spencer Reid was tired, the last case had been a hard one, in Las Vagas an unsub was kidnapping little children aged 4 to 8 and pretending that they were their parents, if the kid misbehaved or did something the unsub didn't want she would kill them.

She got through 8 children both boys and girls before the last victim little 6 year old esme, she had been kidnapped from the park near the unsubs hunting ground.

She was knocked out and kept the longest, a week later she managed to escape from the house, she had told the team she escaped when the unsub was taking a nap and forgot to lock one of the windows, covered in bruises and blood the little girl was saved and the unsub captured.

On the plane ride home Spencer was anxious to see his daughter, little Esme had remind him of his 6 year old safe home Virginia, the doctor was currently on the phone with the babysitter.

He sat drumming his left hand on the table waiting for the call to go through finally when the called connected he felt less anxious. "Hello Mr Reid" she said, Spencer relaxes slightly.

"Y-yes he-hello Mrs thorn, I'm calling to let you know I will be home by 1am, we have just left Las vagas" he explains to the babysitter, Mrs Thorn had been Y/Ns babysitter ever since she was a baby.

Spencer of course has a very demanding job and it always away on case from 2 days to almost 2 weeks, depending on the Unsub, he doesn't get to see existing daughter must when he does he spends every minute with her.

Only being 6 years old the little girl is very smart like her Daddy, she understood why he left her with Mrs Thorn alot, but I didn't mean he didn't love her just that he was busy saving other people from bad guys.

"Ooh that's great news Mr Reid, little Y/N has been missing you, she will be very happy to have you home" Exclaimed Mrs Thorn, Spencer grinned.

"I've missed her too, can you put her on for me ?" He askes hope in his voice, Mrs Thorn laughed slightly. "Of course I can, here she is- N/N its Daddy" Spencer can hear Mrs thorn say.

Then the unmistakable squeal of his daughter. "Daddy!! Daddy it's you" Exclaimed Y/N the little 6 year old had been given the phone to talk to her Dad.

Spencers smile widened at the sound of his daughters voice. "Hi sweetie, it's Daddy, I'm coming home" he says hearing Y/N squeal loudly in excitement at the news.

"Yayy! Daddy's coming home, you hear that Mrs Thorn!- yes I hear N/N- oh Daddy! I got a new book from the library" Little Y/N then spent the next hour telling her Father what she did the time he was away.

Hours later the plane finally lands, Y/N had fallen asleep telling her Dad what, she did almost two hours ago, throughout the time Spencer had noticed the team watching him with smiles on their faces as he talked tk his daughter.

Soon the group of 6 were walking to the bullpen to grab their stuff. "I cannot wait to get home and sleep I'm my bed" groaned Emily, JJ and Morgan agreeing with her.

Spencer grabbed bus go bag and normal bag and was making his way to the exit. "See you guys tomorrow, late start at 9 so relax a little before coming in" called Hotch from his office.

Soon Spencer was home, Mrs Thorn had left an hour ago after Y/N fell asleep, Spencer quickly opened and locked the door behind him as he walks in.

He tiptoes as silently as possible, taking of his shoes abd walking through the apartment, he puts down his bag, he pulls out the book he bought home for Y/N.

He goes to sit on to sofa but is stopped by crying, tensing Spencer looks to his daughters room. "N/N" he runs to her room and slams open the door. "N/N? Are you okay? It's daddy" he says to the dark room, the only light source being the night light.

"Daddy!" Sobs the little H/C haired girl, the 6 year old was currently kneeling on her bed, hair sticking up, rubbing her teary eyes as she cries.

Spencer walks over to her quickly, he shush the crying girl, picking her up and hugging her rocking back and forth trying to comfort. "Shh Shh it'd okay Baby, daddy's here daddy's right here " he whispers calmly in her ear.

After a while she stops, her sobs turning into sniffles, Spencer child feel his shirt soaked with tears but he didn't care, only comforting hid daughter mattered.

"Daddy" cries Y/N, Spencer shushes her again. "It's okay Baby" as he continues rocking thr 6 year old he finally notices the wet patch on her sheets where she was laying.

He then gently pulled the red eyed girl of his shoulder and infront of him, he then looked at the wet patch on her pj's. 'Oh no' he thinks.

"It'd okay N/N, you didn't mean to" he mutters, holding his daughter in one hand he pulled all the sheets of the bed, and started to run a warm bath for Y/N.

Rubbing her back thr Agent sat on the toilet to watch thr bath, bouncing Y/N as he did. "Daddy hurt" whispers Y/N her voice horse from crying.

Spencer then turned her around. "Where does it hurt N/N?" He asks, Y/N then point to her throat and head. Spencer the checks her forehead she does feel a little warm.

"Guess you got the Flu sweetie, don't worry after a nice warm bath I'll give you some medicine okay" he says to her, Y/N jsut nods as he turns the water off and puts her in it.

15 minutes later, Y/N is dressed in clean pj's and back in her Daddy's arms, idly sucking on her thumb as she waits for her Daddy to change her bed sheets and to get her some medicine.

Soon Spencer comes back, he had some kids medicine to her to take and he had changed thr bed sheets into new ones. "Here you go sweetie" he says and gives the medicine for her to take, once she did he picked her back up again rocking back and forth.

"Feeling better baby?" He asks the sleepy 6 year old, it was almost 3am at this point. Y/N doesn't answer only nods her head falling onto her Dad shoulder thumb still in her mouth.

The man sighs quietly. "She's falling asleep again" he whispers to himself, checking the time he goes to his bedroom knowing she won't be letting go of his now, the two get under the covers.

Y/N tucked securely under his arm, Spencer kisses her forehead. "Good night baby" he mutters against her still warm head though not as warm as before. "Night Daddy" comes the sluggish voice of thr 6 year old.

Soen soon finds himself following his daughter into the land of dreams.

The end!

Hope you liked this oneshot, I definitely enjoyed writing this, as usual sorry for spelling and grammar mistakes.

Request are open!

Word count: 1308

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