David Rossi X Adult son Reader

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Request: Hii! I was wondering if you could write a Rossi x son reader who is in his 20's he hasn't seen Rossi for a few years and is working in a police department in another state, their paths end up crossing on a case, none of the bau knows he has a son apart from hotch so it ends up being a surprising, make up reunion.

Third person pov...

In Seattle, Washington acting Captain
Y/N L/N-Rossi was stumped, sitting in his office he puts down the file he was holding, sighing tiredly he rubs his eyes with his hand.

The 20 year old had been working on the same case for weeks, with his team they haven't gotten far. There have been 3 bodies all found with a limb cut off.

Each male and caucasian, aged between 20 and 30 years old.

Y/N sighs looking at the time on his watch, 3.30am he had been up all night looking over the clues they had trying to find a break in the case.

Looking over at his phone he thinks about calling the BAU in Quantico for help, he looks at the old picture on his desk.

It was a picture from when he was 17 and just joined the police academy, he was determined to help people just like his father, SSA David Rossi.

Next to him in the picture stood his dad a smile on his face proud of his son. Y/N hadn't spoken to his Dad since that day.

When he graduated he rose quickly in ranks and became a Lieutenant, currently acting Captain as they are waiting on a new one.

Pushing himself he grabbed the phone and became pushing in the number for the BAU liason.

In Quantico Virginia 6.30am the team had just arrived to the bullpen. JJ stands apologetically as she hands files to each other the members.

The team each file into the round table room "It's to early for this" complains Emily Prentiss as she swollows down the rest of her coffee. Sitting next to her Derek Morgan agrees. "She right, couldn't this have waited?" He asks the blonde.

JJ shakes her head "no sorry guys, Seattle needs help" once everyone was sat JJ began. "Okay, 3 bodies have been found in seattle within the past two months, each killed with a blunt object and one thing taken from each"

"They each have one limb missing, each body had either an arm or leg missing" explains Spencer reading the autopsy report. Nodding her head JJ moved along with the slides.

"Each one a white male, between ages of 20 and 30" after going over victimology and other information the team set out for the jet.

As the jet takes off they begin talking, thought one member seemed distracted, that person David Rossi. As the team talk the man stared out of the jet window not answering when Hotch questions him.

"Dave? Dave you with us?" After being tapped on the shoulder he was shaken out of his thoughts, Rossi looked at the team as they stares at him.

"What?" He questions them, concerned for his friend Hotch looks at him concern in his brown eyes. "You spaced out on us Dave?"

"Yeah, you okay man?" Asks Derek, Dave shakes his head at the questions. "It's my son, he works at the station in seattle" gasps are heard

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