Jennifer 'JJ' Jareau X Emily Prentiss X Autistic Child Reader

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Request: hiii! could i request one where the reader is the child (they/them pronouns please!) of JJ and Emily and they're autistic and have a meltdown and jemily helps them through it? preferably the reader being an older teen. thank youuu :))

Third person pov...

It was Y/N Jareau-Prentiss first day at their new high school, the 16 year old was nervous to start the new year in a new classroom, with a new teacher and completely new classmates.

JJ and Emily knowing their child gets overwhelmed a lot with things like this met their child's teacher before hand and explained to him how Y/N is autistic and gets overwhelmed easily and will need support.

The teacher was happy to accommodate which helped relax the mothers, at 7am Emily woke up and turned off her alarm she then, shook her wife awake, the blonde woman groaned and turned away making her wife sigh.

Emily then yawned and kisses her wife on the cheek before getting out from the warm covers and wonders into wake-up Y/N, currently the 16 year old was asleep, they hadn't slept well because of how nervous they were for the new school year.

Emily smiles and gently wakes them up, being a light sleeper Y/N wakes up when she shakes them, they give their Mum and sleepy smile. "Good morning honey" she smiled; "Mum" yawns the teen stretching.

Emily smiles and places their clothes on their bed to get dressed in. "you ger dressed honey, I'll go wake Momma up again" says the black haired woman before leaving, the 16 year old then gets up out of bed and into their clothes.

This is their routine in the morning, their Mums wakes them up at 7, then they get dressed and have breakfast downstairs. Since finding out their kid was autistic the two women spent every waking moment researching to help understand their child and listen to them.

While Y/N was getting dressed Emily walked back into her room to wake up her sleeping wife, JJ had definitely fallen back to sleep making her wife sigh, suddenly an idea forms.

Emily walks back into her childs room and devious grin on her face. "hey N/N wanna wake up mum with me?" she askes the kid, Y/N sees the look on her face and grins. "Definitely" "okayy lets go!" Yells Emily.

The two then run to Emily and JJS room grins on their faces, Y/N peaks their head in and sees their Mum still asleep with a pillow over her head.

Emily and Y/N grin evilly before jumping onto the bed shaking JJ effectively awake. The blonde woman groans at the assault on her sleep but smiles at her family none the less.

"Morning guys" she grins at the duo on her bed, they grin identical grins back. "Time to get up I suppose" she questions, "yet sleepy head, come on N/N let's makes breakfast" Says Emily, the mother and Teen then run of to the kitchen leaving the blonde behind to get dressed and wake up.

Hours later the family of three are getting out of the car outside Y/Ns high school, the Teen was nervously flapping their hands (stimming) and swaying as they wait for their parents to get out of the car.

JJ and Emily soon get out and lock the car, they stand beside their obviously anxious child. The teen breathes in and out before bringing their hands to rest by their sides but still flapping them.

They look up at their parents faces before the trio begin walking towards the office, as they stepped foot onto the busy grounds Y/N felt overstimulated, their ears hurt and flight or fight response where telling them to run.

But then it was quiet, JJ patted her childs shoulder she had put their ear defenders on, she noticed the early signs of a meltdown before the teenager did, sighing sofly Y/N felt better not as overwhelmed but it was still there.

For the past couple of years the teen had been homeschooled as they couldn't deal with school, the bullies and the people. For them it was too loud too crowded, which why their Uncle Spencer suggested they get her a diagnosis and of course the genius was right Y/N was autistic, since then they have been learning about having an Autistic child and helping to understand their child a lot more.

As they continue walking Y/N could feel it coming - the creeping sensation of overwhelming anxiety that had been slowly building up all day. Despite their best efforts at controlling their emotions, the feeling of rising panic was too much, and tears began to roll down their cheeks.

As this was happening they made it to the office, JJ speaks to the receptionists asking where the sensory room is, Emily comforts their child, the receptionist spots Y/Ns state and quickly showed them.

Once they were alone Y/N sunk to the floor curling in on themselves, realising it was a meltdown JJ and Emily quickly they jumped into action, JJ gathered her child up in a hug, providing pressure.

while Emily stood protectively by their side, though her leg was pressed against Y/Ns back so they new she was still there.

JJ was almost the more affectionate one while Emily didn't do physical touch but had her owns ways of helping. "shh shh its okay N/N" "its okay Mum is here and so is Mumma" "yeah don't worry kid we wont leave you" the two woman whisper to their distressed child.

With soft words of encouragement and pressure JJ strokes Y/Ns hair and back. They reminded the teen of the things they enjoy and talking about their special interests and the strategies Spencer had taught them for dealing with anxiety and meltdowns.

For the next half hour or so, Y/Ns parents gently guided the H/C teen through their meltdown. They reassured them and tried to look at things from their perspective so that they could gain new insight and understanding. They also gave her new ways to handle her emotions, slowly, very slowly, the feeling of panic began to subside and everything that was overwhelming them before stopped.

Y/Ns breathing evened out, and they were able to start taking in their surroundings again. JJ and Emily stayed close, offering words of support and reassurance once they had fully clamed down Y/N took of their headphones and looked at at their Mums and smiled.

"thank you" the teen mumbled, earning them a smile and hug from their parents making them feel better instantly.

The end!

Hope you liked this so sorry for the wait ive been super busy at college my art class has been super busy working on projects.

Requests are open!

Word count: 1155

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