Jennifer 'JJ' Jareau X teen Vicitm reader

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Summary: Y/N is kidnapped by an Unsub, but the BAU is right behind them.

Third person pov...

Sirens from numerous police cars chase a grey BMW through the streets of Toronto, At the wheel was Barry Seymour he had been convicted of kidnapping and murdering 6 young teens.

When the FBI figured out it was him he was already on the road with a new victim in the trunk of his car, the victim was Y/N L/N they are 14 years old and very scared.

Flash back to A Couple hours ago...

The 14 year old was walking home from the park after hanging out with friends, as they were walking Barry grabbed them and threw the teen into the back of his trunk.

The teens head hits the top of the trunk knocking them out for a couple of seconds, when they woke up they started panicking. "oh no oh no" they whisper trying not to hyperventilate instead the teen starts kicking at the trunk making noise.

"let me out arsehole!" yells the teen kicking at the trunk, Barry rolls his eyes and continues to drive he ends up turning the radio up to not hear the teen kicking the car. "stupid brat" he grumbles before pulling his hat further down his head.

Y/N sighs angerly before they stop kicking, then they reach for their pocket. "yes the arsehole forgot to check" they exclaim the teen still had their phone, then they see it only had 10% left "of course" sighs the teen.

The teen was suddenly grateful to their parents who made the teen memorise the number for the FBI hotline. Y/N quickly types it in and holds it up to their ear. "hello this is the FBI hotline" comes a female voice.

"oh thank god, please help me im Y/N L/N and ive been kidnapped by the Unsub im in the trunk please save me!" they exclaim before their phones battery runs out. The 14 year old cries and waits for help to come.

At the police station the BAU team have sent out an apb for Barry Seymours grey BMW. As JJ is walking she get stopped by an officer.

"Agent we got a call from someone claiming to be Kidnapped by the Unsub" she says JJ nods and heads to the room where the team is.

"Hey guys we've got a hit on the Hotline" she says making the team look up as she plays the recording of the call. They are socked to here a young scared voice answer.

The perosn seemed alot younger than the first victims. "hello this is the FBI hotline" comes a female voice then a young voice answes "oh thank god, please help me im Y/N L/N and ive been kidnapped by the Unsub im in the trunk please save me!" Then it goes silent.

JJ shuts it off a grim look on her face. Then Penelope calls. "Hey Penelope you have something?" Questions Reid

"Yes my loveliess i do, we jsut got a hit on the Unsubs car" says the tech analysis. "Thank you Garcia, JJ you come with us" say Hotch standing up he already know Penelope sent them the coordinates.

End of flashback...

Currently The Unsub has both the Police and FBI on his tail and he wasn't planning on stopping yet, he was currently on a motor way he was almost out of Toronto.

Back in the trunk Y/N was trying to kick their way out, their head felt all fuzzy, but they couldn't fall asleep they had to stay awake.

"Can't sleep, have to stay awake have to survive" they mutter suddenly they are sent flying forward and end up face painting against the roof of the trunk.

"He's stopped!" They mutter to scared to move, the teen tries hard to listen but can't hear anything. Then gunshots and sirens are heard.

Y/Ns to scared to move, seconds tick by before the trunk opens and a tourch is shone right at the teen.

Y/N sees the shadow of a man, thinking its the Unsub they back aways terrified, when he tries to move forward Y/N kicks out at him. "Stay away! Please leave me alone, no!" They scream and beg.

Hearing the teen screaming Hotch sends JJ over hopefully seeing a woman would help them. Y/N jsut about calmed down when the man left.

JJ gives a smile to Derek as he passes her, she wonders up to the trunk where the scared teen lays.

The bump of their head still making their brain foggy, once the torch wasn't shining in their eyes the teen relaxed.

As they sit up slowly in the trunk a woman appears she was blonde with blue eyes, JJ sees the teens eyes widened.

Before they can panic she holds out her badge. "Hey hey sweetie don't panic I'm FBI, I'm an agent I'm here to help you" she says gently.

Y/N freezes leg pulled in ready to kick put again, they look wearly up at the Agent and at her badge. She had a kind smile on her face.

Y/N looks at the badge and at the woman before finally collapsing in a fit of sobs. "I'm sorry I was scared, I th-thought he was coming to get me" cried the teen, JJs heart aches for the teen.

They didn't mean to kick out at first they were just a scares kid who was kidnapped but a dangerous killer. JJ reaches out to the child and they let her.

She then pulls them up and out of the trunk the child holds onto her tightly not letting go, Y/N jsut continues to cry until they are sat in am ambulance to be looked at.

Once they were checked over they still didn't let go off JJ, but she didn't mind she was glad they managed to save the teen from being killed.

The end!

Hope you liked this oneshot sorry for it not being long, also sorry for grammar and spelling mistakes.

Request are open!

Word count : 1030

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