BAU Team X Teen Reader

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Request: Where the reader has a twin sister but she is a complete opposite of them? Like, she might be bratty and spoiled and reader is just glad for what they have! And the twin would be the unsub but at first they would take reader since they are twins and it's not really easy to identify them from eachother other than their personality and maybe their gender?

S/N - Y/N twin sister
Y/N - They/Them

Third person pov...

"Hey Y/N, I'm having your chocolate for my lunch" Yelled S/N in her usual bratty voice, the H/C girl grabbed the chocolate bar from her Twins lunchbox.

From the table in the Kitchen her identical twin Y/N rolls their eyes at her, there's no point in saying no otherwise she'll cause drama.

"Sure S/N" they say without saying thank you S/N shoves past her sibling jsut as Y/N got down from the table and grabbed their bowl.

In slow motion the bowl crashes to the tiled floor smashing everywhere. Y/n quickly leaps onto a chair away from the porcelain. "Shit, Dad will be pissed" they swear looking around for something to pick up the pieces.

As they look around the kitchen then saw the dust pan and brush. "Bingo" they still had half an hour before having to leave for school, S/N left earlier to be able to go to the mall with friends before school.

The teen climbs onto the table and stand up avoiding hitting their head on the light and walks across the table and onto the counter, they then shuffle along until reaching the dust pan and brush.

The bowl pieces had covered most of the floor leading up to the counter.

"Thanks alot S/N" mutters the H/C teen, grabbing what they needed before jumping down and begins to sweep up the shards of the bowl.

Ever since they were little Y/N and S/N have been opposites, S/N bratty and selfish always wanting things for herself while Y/N kind and grateful for what they have.

But of course they get mixed up as they are still Identical in everything apart from styles like their personalities complete opposites.

As Y/N cleans up the mess the doorbell goes, confused Y/N puts the pieces that was once a bowl in the bin before walking to the door. They look through the peep hole and see a male and female.

"Who are they?" The mutter to themselves before unlocking the door and opening it. As they do the woman smiles at the teen. "Hey Honey, is this where S/N L/N lives?" She askes the H/C teen.

"Yes why?" they say the woman eyes the man next to her. Y/N is beyond confused. "I'm sorry who are you people?" Questions the teen.

The man then answers "I'm SSA Derek Morgan and this is SSA Elle Greenaway, we are here to ask you a few question can you come down to the station?" Askes Derek.

Y/Ns eyes widened. 'FBI' they thought. "Oh sure let me grab my bag" they say before running back to the kitchen to grab their school bag and phone.

As they walk towards the Agents they get strange looks. Soon the teen was in the back of a black SUV with the two agents in front.

Minutes later the teen was being taken to an interrogation room and hand cuffed to the table infront of them. As the officer leaves Y/N is alone. "Oh shit" The mutter realising what's happening.

Criminal Minds x child Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now