Jennifer 'JJ Jareau X Fem Autistic Reader

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Request : Hiya! Would u mind doing a piece about a female autistic bau member? Preferably centered around her and jj (platonic since you dont do romance). Maybe the reader gets injured in the field and is seriously overstimulated but jj is there to help calm her down and get checked out for any nasty wounds

Hope you like this sorry for the wait, I'm currently doing a project for college and its my major one so I won't be updating as much but I will try to at least once a week.

Third person pov...

The team were on the jet, they had been called in to Seattle for a serial case, a murderer was going around kidnapping woman in their early 20s, he keeps them for a few days, torturing them then disposing of them like rubbish.

All women were Y/S colour, with H/C hair and E/C eyes, it unnerved Y/N how much the victims looked like her.

Y/N L/N is the second youngest member of the BAU, she was 23, the H/C girl joined a couple years after Elle left.

She and JJ got on very well, everyone knew she was autistic, but JJ was always the one who helped the young girl when she was overwhelmed or had a sensory overload, of course the others helped but JJ helped the most.

The blonde haired woman became like an older sister to the 23 year old.

As they sat down on the jet, they began sharing ideas and going over the case, as they did Y/N was becoming overwhelmed with the louds of the engine.

Usually she had either her headphones or earplugs, as the plane ride was always too loud for the girl.

But she had unfortunately forgottenboth of them, so there she sat on the Jet, fiddling with her finger trying tokeep her mind of the sounds, as she did this, she didn't notice JJs concerned expression

Suddenly JJs eyes lit up she recognised the signs Y/N gives when she is feeling overwhelmed and JJ of course knew them all, she then reached into her travel bag and pulled out some ear plugs.

Originally they were Y/Ns but the H/C girl gave them to JJ, so she would have them I'd Y/N forgot her headphones, the older girl was happy she'd kept them in there.

She then taps Y/Ns hand under the table, Y/N gave her a curious look before JJ nudges the earplugs into her shaking hand, E/C eyes lit up, the young girl quickly puts them in.

She shoots the blonde woman a smile  which JJ returns happily, the two then focus on what the team were talking about.

Time skip...

A couple days past, the team finally have a lead, Y/N and JJ and thw team chase after the unsub, as they did Y/N sustained a minor injury.

As the adrenaline subsided, the chaos of the surroundings assaulted her senses. The cacophony of sirens, the pungent odor of gunpowder, and the incessant chatter overwhelmed her.

Just when the H/C girl felt her mind spiraling out of control, a gentle hand reached out and steadied her. It was JJ with her warm eyes and soothing voice, whisked her away from the sensory assault.

In the seclusion of the Station, JJ tended to Y/Ns njury with quiet efficiency. They were in the conference room the Captian had given them to work in.

As the young girls body began to calm, a new wave of distress hit her heart.

The sobs and wails of the distraught parents of the victims echoed through the space. Y/N flinched at the loud sounds and curled in on herself.

She was visibly overwhelmed still, even more now by the raw emotions, from the parents, making the H/C girl retreated into her shell.

She covered her ears, desperate to escape the overwhelming torrent of sound. Just when her composure was on the brink of shattering, a familiar voice cut through.

JJ had of course sensed her escalating discomfort and approached cautiously. JJ's soothing words reached her ears.

" i know this is hard, Y/N" she whispered, her voice barely above a murmur. "Can I help you find a quieter place?" Y/N nods quickly.

With JJ's gentle guidance, the H/C girl made her way to a secluded corner of the room. JJ dimmed the lights and played soothing music, creating a sanctuary of tranquility amidst the chaos.

"Can i touch you?" She asks the overwhelmed Girl, knowing some autistics likr pressure when others hate it.

Y/N thought for a moment, pressure does aleays help her, so she nods her head and JJ kneels closer, She held the girls close, her embrace providing a much-needed sanctuary.

Soon Y/Ns acing thoughts began to slow as JJ's steady breathing and rhythmic heartbeat grounded her. "Focus on my voice" JJ whispered. "Take deep breaths. You're safe now."

She begins to rock slowly, and felt Y/N relax even more, she girl was almost like putty in JJs arms which made the woman smile, glad she was able to help her girl.

As the H/C girl radually regained her composure, JJ remained by her side, providing a comforting presence.

They sat in the dark room cuddled together, Y/N almost falling asleep to the sound of JJs heartbeat, it was a soothing sound that she couldn't get enough off.

Y/N was grateful to JJ for helping her and being there for her, while she went through her epsisode, Together, they navigated the emotional storm that had engulfed them, one moment at a time.

The end!

Hope you liked this oneshot, sorry for the wait and sorry for this one being shorter than the others, I didn't have a particular idea in mind of how to write this so I winged it lol.

Sorry for any spelling or grammar mistakes

Requests are open!

Word count : 1006

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