BAU team x LBGT+ Teen reader

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So it's pride month so of course im going to write a oneshot about teen reder making everyone go to Pride with them becuase i dint nearly see enough of these on here.

summary: It's pride Month and the reader wlaks in to the teams work and demands that they all come to pride with them to celebrate.

Y/N - They/Them pronouns using (any Sexuality)

My headcannons for the team

- Bisexual
- definitely Trans (FtM)
-Demisexual as well (loves Haley and obviously had a baby with her)

- Biromantic (apart from 3 wifes he definitely experimented with men in his youth)
- Gives the best Dad/Grandad hugs at pride
-Is proud of his Queer children

- Bisexual
- Genderfluid (he's my baby he has to be Genderfluid)

Derek Morgan
- Biromantic (enter to anything Sexual with a man before of Buford (Bastard)

- do you have to ask obviously a fucking raging lesbian (definitely had a crush on JJ at some point)

- Bisexual but is in a committed relationship with Will, had a crush on Emily at some point( I ship them okay)

Penelope Garcia
- Pansexual and Panromantic very open about who she is and is very happy -Demigirl she still feels like a girl but also not uses She/They pronouns.

(these are my headcannons it's okay if you don't agree woth them just don't come at me in the comments!!)

Third person pov...

It was the first of June which meant Pride Month! Y/N had been excited about it all year, they couldn't wait to get thr team to go to a Pride Parade with them and to celebrate it all together.

Y/N themselves was Non-binary and (What Sexuality you are) and are very proud to be it, they are always seen wearing their pronouns badge and Non-binary pin.

Y/N was making their way to the FBI building, in their hands were mini pride flags and stickers for all their friends, once they got to the floor they skipped out of the elevator and into the bullpen.

The team didn't see them so they quickly began putting each team members flags into their pen pots. Bisexual, Asexual and Genderfluid for Spencer. Biromantic to Derek. Bisexual for JJ. Lesbian for Emily.

As Rossi, Hotch and Penelope all had offices Y/N lefts their flags outside the doors and knocked so they saw them, once the Teen was done they went to the round table and sat on a chair waiting for the team to notice them.

A couple minutes later all 7 members wondered into the room, smiling when they see the teen not expecting them to be there. Once everyone was sitting Y/N stood up.

"Okay guys as you know it's Pride Month, which means Virginia is having its Pride Parade and I was wondering if you'd like to go to it with me?" They ask nervously, they had never asked the team anything to do woth pride even though they had been out as Non-binary to them for years.

Thw first perosn to speak was Penelope they squealed and stood up a giant smile on her face. She then reached out and hugged Y/N tightly. "Of course we will sweetie, won't we giys?" She says making then other all say yes and take turns hugging Y/N.

After they had finished hugging Y/N the teen began ruffling through their bag again and pulled out pin badges for everyone with their flags on. "For you guys I have mine" they say pointing to their Non-binary pin and (Y/S) badge proudly.

Once everyone had theirs, they all went back to work, the pride parade wasn't until that Saturday.


It was Saturday morning and Y/N was awake and doing their make up for pride, once they were done they left their house and made their way to the middle of town where the team was waiting.

JJ had brought Henry and Will, Hotch also had Henry with him, Y/N was happy to see them all wearing something to do with their flags.

Penelope was decked out in the colours of the Pan flag and had a small demigirl flag painted on their face.

Hotch had a Bisexual flag on his face and a trans flag in his hand, he also had a Demisexual flag pinned to his tshit, Jack was holding a small pride flag in his hand a hug grin on his face.

Y/N almost cried at what Rossi was wearing, it was a tshirt that read 'Free Dad hugs' Y/N laughed when they saw 'Grand' written infront of the Dad part definitely Morgan or Emily's doing, he also had a small Biromantic flag painted on his face.

Spencer was wearing the Asexual colours, had a Bisexual flag tied to their shoulders and had the Genderfluid flag painted on his cheek, he too had a huge smile on his face.

Derek had a Biromantic flag on his cheek and was wearing the Bi colours definitely Penelopes doing.

Emily had the lesbian flag painted on her face and the Lesbian flag tied around her shoulder proudly.

JJ had a Bisexual flag painted on her face, Will was wearing a tshirt that read 'I love my Bi wife' which was cute and little Henry was holding a rainbow flag like Jack.

"You all look amazing!" Exclaimed the teen, very happy to see the team in the spirit, they really thought they wouldn't wear anything especially Hotch. "Let's go enjoy the parade!" They yelled before running into the park.

The park itself was filled with people who were there celebrating pride and wearing their flags. Rossi got so many hugs from teens who got kicked out or aren't supported by their parents which made the old man cry.

They stayed in the park until the parade was starting one it did the team all joined in and took any pictures together to remember the day they had.

By the end the kids had fallen asleep, Jack and Henry had gotten alot of stickers and were covered in them, Y/N was scrolling through their phone smiling at all the pictures and videos they took together.

Before everyone left they stood up and turned to all 7 of them. "Thank you all for doing this with me I had alot of fun" they said making the Adults smile at the teen.

"Of course Y/N, your our kid how could we not do this together" Hotch says making the teen tear up, thw teen then hugs the man tightly to hugs them back

It truly was an amazing day for everyone.

The end!

Hoped you liked thus oneshot, I've been meaning to write thus for days but didn't have any ideas but now here it is.

As always sorry for the grammar and Spelling mistakes. Request are open!



Word count: 1163

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