David Rossi X Autistic teen son reader

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Request: Can you do one with David Rossi's son who's Autistic, trans, and non verbal that's about 13-15 years old? Rossi's son is sitting in the living room with his noise canceling headphones on with the light off reading a book in Italian or something. The whole team comes over to Rossi's for a party of some sort and they didn't know he has a son and Garcia squeals happily and goes over and hugs him and stuff and gets overstimulated/sensory meltdown. Rossi goes over and comforts him.

I love this idea

Third person pov...

Y/N Rossi was enjoying a day off school, earlier that same day he had a meltdown so bad that he shut down. So his Dad told him he could stay home to recover from it.

The Boy had been staying with his Dad for the last couple of weeks, he spends half of the year with his Mum in New York and the other half with his Dad in Virginia.

Y/Ns dad left for work leaving the teen home alone, the H/C teen is Autistic so this happens alot, he had sensory issues and get overwhelmed alot so he takes lots of days off school when he needs to his dad is always supportive and left him.

Currently the boy was dat in the dimly lit living room of their spacious home, surrounded by the peaceful silence created by his noise canceling headphones.

He was engrossed in a book written in fluent Italian, his native language. At the age of 15, YN had already mastered three languages, a feat that amazed his father on a daily basis.

He was curled up on the sofa his back towards the front door just happy reading quietly.

The light was turned off leaving him in darkness, the curtains were open to let some light in so he can still read.

As Y/N turned the pages of his book, he suddenly heard the door unlocking. He knew it was his dad coming home from work, but is to ingrossed in his book to put it down.

Rossi opens the door to the dark house, he looks to the living room. His son was still there and hadn't moved. He then let's the team in. "Come on in guys" he says.

The team all gather in the hallway, then follow Rossi to the kichen, they love watching him prepare food, the not notice the boy in the corner of the room jsut yet.

Hours later the Rossi house was buzzing with excitement as the team from the BAU gathered for a party. It was rare for all of them to be in one place outside of work, so the atmosphere was lively.

Rossi was busy in the kitchen, preparing food and drinks for his guests. He couldn't help but smile as he watched his colleagues catch up with each other and make small talk.

However, his attention was soon drawn to the living room, where his son, Y/N, was sitting quietly with his noise cancelling headphones on, reading a book in Italian.

The boy had changed books but kept to the same type books in Italian, it was his favourite place in the living room it was his spot and no one else could sit there.

As the party continued, Garcia suddenly noticed Y/N in the living room and squealed with excitement. She had no idea that Rossi had a son and couldn't contain her happiness. She rushed over to Y/N and enveloped him in a hug, causing him to tense up and cover his ears with his hands.

Realizing her mistake, Garcia quickly apologized and backed away. But it was too late, Y/N was already overstimulated and on the brink of a sensory overload. He started rocking back and forth, trying to soothe himself from the sudden influx of noise and touch.

Rossi, who had been keeping an eye on Y/N from the kitchen, immediately rushed over to his son's side. He gently rubbed the kids back and spoke to him in a calming voice.

He knew his son allowed his touch as it was familiar, without a word, Y/N handed him his book, which was a clear indication that he needed some quiet time.

Understanding his son's needs, Rossi led the H/C haired boy to his room where he could have some privacy and calm down.

He closed the door behind him and dimmed the lights, creating a soothing environment for Y/N He then sat next to his son and started reading the book in Italian, knowing that it was one of Y/Ns favorite activities.

Back in the living room, Garcia was feeling guilty for causing James' meltdown. She knew better than to approach someone without their consent, especially someone with sensory sensitivities. She went to Rossi and apologized again, this time with tears in her eyes.

Rossi could see the genuine remorse in Garcia's eyes and he assured her that it was okay. He explained to her that Y/N was autistic and that he needed a certain amount of quiet and space to feel comfortable in social situations.

Garcia listened attentively as Rossi told her more about his son, feeling more at ease, Garcia asked if she could apologize to the teen personally. Rossi smiled and led Garcia to his room.

She slowly opened the door and peeked inside, where she saw Rossi and Y/N reading together. Y/N looked up and saw her, but instead of being scared or anxious, he smiled and waved at her.

Garcia's heart melted at the teens' welcoming gesture and she knew that everything was going to be okay. She went in and apologized to Y/N.

She then joined Rossi in reading the book in Italian, and for the first time in a long time, she felt a sense of peace and connection with someone who was different.

As the night went on, the rest of the team also got to know Y/N and they were all amazed by his intelligence and sweet nature. They had a newfound respect and understanding for Rossi, knowing the challenges he faced as a single father raising a child with a disability.

The party may not have gone as planned, but for Rossi, it was a reminder of how fortunate he was to have such a supportive and understanding team. And for Y/N it was a reminder that he was accepted and loved for who he was, and that was all that mattered.

The end!

Hope you liked this oneshot, so sorry the requests have been piling up I've been busy with college and finishing up a project, which is done now and I will have more time to write requests.

Request are open!

Word count : 1142

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