Back Pain

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Her back hurt.

It was stupid. But her back hurt. Three nights on a window seat a foot thinner than she was tall had sent her spine into a violent protest. Perhaps she liked it. Perhaps she hated it. Perhaps she deserved it. Perhaps it was unjust. Perhaps it wasn't just enough. She rang her hands and cracked her knuckles until her joints throbbed. Like a child, she had a tummy ache. Like a child she wanted it to go away. She sat alone on her window seat begging someone to make her feel better. She begged for her mother, for tender loving arms to hold her and tell her it would all be okay. She begged the sky to stop laughing at her. She begged the silence to stop being so deafening and she begged the noise to be quieter. Her eyes stung with tears that refused to fall and her hands shook with the pain of a warrior but the strength of a poet. The cold was wrapped around her like a blanket she couldn't shrug off. Her forehead gleamed with sweat. 

Lorelai Kozlovsky was a child and a woman and a corpse and a chipped away statue. 

Lorelai Kozlovsky wanted to die and live and suffer and love and move and never move again. 

Lorelai Kozlovsky needed her wife and needed her children and needed to be alone

Lorelai Kozlovsky 







Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. liar. liar. liar. liar. liar liar liar lair liar liar liar liarliarliarliarliarliar

A/N - Can you tell im in my emo hours???          

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