Secretive and Suspicious

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A few hours passed and Lorelai didn't touch her food, her mind to clouded with questions and suspicions. When she heard footsteps approaching again, she sat up and faced away from the door. 

After a couple of sharp knocks Miss Nuthatch pushed open the door and poked her head in. 

"My dear, you haven't touched your food, are you feeling alright"

"I'm fine" Lorelai hissed, desperately wanting her to go away.

Without looking, Lorelai could sense the Ymbryne's frown. 

"Dinner is in 20 minutes, you don't have to attend if you don't want to, but the children are desperate to meet you"

Lorelai nodded slightly and heard the door click shut. She let out a sigh before rising to her feet. She wandered over to the window and gazed out into the town below. 

The town was littered with small stone buildings and cobbled streets. People dressed in jeans and shirts wandered, some aimlessly, some with extreme purpose. Cars trundle down the roads.

It was strange. Futurist. Modern.


After a fair amount of consideration, Lorelai wandered down to the dining room, a large, open plan room attached to the kitchen. Everyone else was already seated.

"How nice of you to join us, i'll serve you a plate" The ymrbyne said, reaching for a plate.

"I'm not eating" Lorelai replied shortly, taking a seat.

"Naturally" A teen girl replied.

Lorelai shot her a dangerous look, causing the girl to retract into her chair, before taking a seat of her own.

As if rehearsed, the children went around and introduced themselves, stating their names and peculiarities.

A girl named Ima started, explaining that she can manipulate sunlight. A boy named Dion, who could transform into random inanimate objects, a cheating technique he often employed in hide and seek. A teen boy called Alan who could speak every language and his sister Amy who could hear peoples thoughts and so on.

On discovering Amy's pecularity Lorelai immediately became very cautious not to let her mind wander.

"Do you have any questions dear?" Miss Nuthatch asked.

"One" Lorelai replied "What is the date?"

"October fourth, 2013"

A/N - Here you go, this isn't exactly fluff but it's the nicest thing you're getting for a while

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