Caught At Last

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A/N - TW Abuse @massivesimpformissp im too good to you honestly

That night, Lorelai was sat on her bed, head in hands, listening. She was waiting for the slightest reason to check on Alma. Anxiety clawed the inside of her skull, yelling at her to run to the bird. Her instincts screaming at her to drown the man she so hated. But she couldn't, not yet, she needed good reason, and if what Horace's dream showed wasn't good reason, nothing was.

She was just giving up hope of catching Albert in the act that night, when a faint groaning echoed through the walls, followed by a substantially louder thud.

Lorelai jumped to her feet, running out of her room and down the hall to Alma's room, to the the door ajar. When she looked through the crack, the sight she was met with instantly shattered her cold heart.

Alma was curled on the floor, her hair splayed across her back, trying desperately to crawl away from the man looming over her. Albert was stood, smiling horribly at the woman on the floor.

"I swear" Alma pleaded "I didn't tell anyone, I promise, please!"

"Then how come that freak fish has been watching me for months" He spat "You told her didn't you? DIDN'T YOU!"

He raised his cane and brought it down sharp across the birds back. She fell down further onto the floor, sobbing.

It was then that Lorelai made up her mind, clearing her throat, she put her peculiarity to work.

Alma seemed not to notice, to desperate to escape but Albert turned round, and slowly hobbled towards her. When he reached her, Lorelai leaned closer and whispered in his ear.

"Wait for me, at the beach"

He nodded and walked out of the room and down the stairs.

Lorelai ran over to Alma, who flinched away when she felt her approach.

"Hey" Lorelai whispered "hey, it's just me. You're safe, I got you"

Lorelai pushed Alma's hair out of her face then pulled the bird into her lap. Alma grabbed her shirt, shaking so violently Lorelai could feel it. Lorelai pulled the bird closer into her chest, careful not to put pressure on her back. Alma started to calm down, Lorelai rocking her back and forth while playing with her hair and planting kisses on the top of her head.

"Shhh, it's okay, he's gone now." Lorelai hushed "You're safe, I got you, no ones going to hurt you"

A/N - Tada *jazz hands* @massivesimpformissp satisfied love? 

Also look at me 2 chapters in one day, I spoil you all honestly

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