Severe Tensions

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It had been a month since the incident at the beach. Lorelai had returned to the home with Alma. It was going well, apart from one thing...

Albert Kno was officially dating Alma Peregrine.

They had announced it about a week after the incident. Much to Lorelai's disappointment, Kno had escaped the ocean without a scratch to his body.

Life at the house was, tense, you could say. The children were happy, Alma seemed to be enjoying herself. Lorelai on the other hand....

Every meal time she would sit at the opposite end of the table next to Enoch, due to the fact Albert had stolen her seat next to Alma. She wouldn't eat. Simply sit there, staring at the man, making him so uncomfortable he would often excuse himself to eat in the parlour.

A/N - Short because my next idea needs a whole chapter

@massivesimpformissp here you go love, have your weekly rage at me 

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