A Figure Unknown

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Alma Peregrine couldn't sleep that night. 

The time was 01:07 and she had been tossing and turning since 10. The thought that another peculiar, a dangerous peculiar, could be living, undiscovered, in her loop was terrifying. If it was true, she was failing at her main duty, to keep the children safe.

After several more moments she slung herself out of bed and threw on the previous days clothes before beginning the journey down to the beach. 

The waves crashed violently against the shore, white foam grappling it's way  up the sand. The full moon shone bright in clear nights sky, like a pearl in the deep dark sea. 

The bird wandered the beach, hoping to come across something.

After a while she discovered a section of huge rocks. As she clambered her way over she slipped, falling feet first down a hidden hole. She fell further and further until she stumbled into a large underground cave.

The bird let out a hiss of pain and clutched her ankle. It was either sprained or broken, she couldn't tell which. 

She looked around the cave. The walls shone with the shimmer of crystals, candles were scattered around, their light flickering ominously. In the centre was a large pool and what appeared to be an underwater tunnel. The water shone in the strange light. 

Footsteps were approaching. Alma spun round but before she could see who was approaching she felt a cold hand wrap around her neck and push her into the icy depths. She kicked her legs and frantically clawed at the unknown persons wrist. 

She could feel a ball of pressure in her skull, she was getting lightheaded and her movements became weaker. 

She just managed to see a faint glow before the world went completely black and she lost consciousness.



That's all Miss Peregrine could feel. It was engulfing. What felt to be slimy chains were strung around her wrists and ankles, binding her to several rocks. 

Her eyelids fluttered open. The first thing she saw was the torso of a woman sat on the edge of the pool, her legs appeared to be in the water. 

"An hour and 32 minutes" The unknown woman said "I thought you weren't going to wake up"

"Who a- are y- you" She coughed, some water still in her lungs "Where am I?"

"Slow down, I'm asking the questions here" The unknown woman said.

Alma's heart dropped. In her mind all that she could think about were her children. Had she put them in danger coming here? What was this woman's intention?

The woman spun round to face her. The first thing the bird noticed was the fact that, at her waist, her skin faded into a shimmering, pearl white tail. Her ink black hair fell to the start of it, contrasting brightly with the scales. 

"How did you find this place?" She asked.

"It- It was an accident, I was walking down the beach and I fell".

"You fell?" She replied, disbelievingly "It's 2:32 in the morning, I doubt you were casually strolling across the beach"

"I saw something yesterday, I was investigating"

The mermaid just smirked before sliding into the water and disappearing from sight. 


Alma wasn't sure how long passed. The distant sound of crashing waves echoed through the cave, the candle light flickered across the walls. She aimlessly pulled her ankles and wrist, trying to slip free, but it was to no avail. After one particularly violent pull on her bad ankle she let out a whimper of pain. 

"You've broken that" A voice said from the other end of the cave. 

The bird looked over her shoulder, the mystery woman was perched on a rock, tail replaced by a pair of legs. Alma just looked at her.

"Your ankle I mean, I can bandage it for you if you'd like"

"You can?"

The woman nodded and strode over to her, a bag in hand. She crouched by the birds knees and took the ankle in her hand. She took out some strange, sea weed like substance from the bag. Slowly, she wrapped it around the raven haired woman's ankle. The bird let out a hiss.

"I'm Lorelai by the way" She said.

"Alma Peregrine"  

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