My Darling, My Dearest

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Lorelai didn't return. Alma had woken up to find an empty bed, yet again. She had expected, well hoped, that it would only be for a few days, as per usual, but she never came back. That was three years ago. She never came back. She had left, leaving only a letter behind. 

Alma read that letter every day, multiple times a day, and every time she did she would cry. 

My darling, my dearest, my Alma,

Words are failing me. I have no idea how to put this on paper. You mean the world to me. From the moment I laid eyes on you I knew I would love you for the rest of my life. You are the dearest thing in the world to me and for me to do this is the hardest thing I have ever done. 

I'm leaving. It is nothing you've done, Lord, you could do nothing to cause this. This is about me and the things I cannot do. I don't know how to explain this, birds, I don't know what this is myself. And that's why I need to leave. I need to find out. And I understand that makes no sense and I understand how this must seem to you and I'm so fucking sorry. 

I love you. I love you so fucking much, my darling bird, and I am so god damn sorry.

Forever, always, eternally yours,


The paper was tear stained and crumpled from the amount of times Alma had sobbed and clutched it to her chest. It hurt. It hurt so much knowing that she was gone; gone and not coming back. It was life a knife turning over and over in Alma's heart. God it fucking hurt. 

Were it not for the children, Alma didn't know how she'd survived. 

A/N - This is short and sad cause my motivation is dead (love school lol). I should start writing more next week. 

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