Things We Discover

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3 months had passed since Lorelai had returned to the loop, and the initial joy she had gotten out of tormenting her sister had faded, leaving her irritated and constantly annoyed. She had been isolating herself and the children had all been avoiding her like the plague. The only person who still willingly spent time with her was Alma. 

The sun was setting, everyone else was at supper, but Lorelai was sat on the garden bench, staring at the ground. The door behind her opened and Alma walked out, seating herself on the bench beside Lorelai, resting her head on the sirens shoulder. 

"You really shouldn't be out here alone, come in, have something to eat" Alma said quietly, tracing shapes on Lorelai's hand.

"I'm not hungry, thank you love, I think I'll just-" The door behind them opened. Helga appeared in the doorway and Alma felt Lorelai tense. 

"I was just wondering where you went Alma, the children have nearly finished eating"

"I'll be in in a moment, go back inside"

It was then that Helga spotted Lorelai, and visible anger grew on her face. Something behind her eyes shifted and Lorelai suddenly felt a pain in her chest, a terrible, unbearable pain. In that moment she wanted nothing more than to curl forward and collapse onto the floor. She let out a low, pained whimper. Alma's eyes snapped to her, then to Helga, whose face was plastered with a small, sadistic grin. 

"You-" Alma started, but she was interrupted by Lorelai letting out a louder, harsher cry. "Stop it!"

The pain began to fade, just as the world began to go black. Lorelai just about managed to cling onto consciousness as she saw Alma rise to her feet.

"This, this is why you wouldn't tell me of your peculiarity?! Because you wanted to use it against her?" Helga said nothing "Get out"


"Get out of my loop"

A/n - This was going to be smut but then I remembered people from my actual life have my wattpad username

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