Homely Welcome

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Lorelai woke up in a warm bed, which was strange considering she specifically remembered running away from the home and getting knocked out by a wave.

She rolled over and in an instant a bright light shone across her closed eyes, blinding her. Which confused her, seeing as though it was raining heavily when she ran away. Lorelai opened her eyes and was met by a sight that utterly baffled her.

She was laying in an unknown bedroom, the walls a pale yellow. By the door was a writing desk and a clothing rail. The other side of the room was simply a large window, beyond which a small town was visible, a small town which definitely wasn't Cairnholm. 

Footsteps approached outside the room, Lorelai's shoulders tensed and she automatically cleared her throat.

The door to the room creaked open and a short woman walked in, with pale blonde hair on which the ends were light blue. she was wearing a t-shirt and strange lose trousers, an outfit Alma would have banned forever. 

In the unknown woman's hands was a small bowl of what looked to be steaming soup.

"I didn't know if you'd be awake" She said, placing the bowl on the bedside table "I brought you lunch" 

Lorelai backed away into the far corner of the bed, her back curving defensively. 

"I'm Miss Nuthatch, you appeared in my loop last night"

Lorelai didn't respond, just glared at the woman.

This isn't the right loop, she was supposed to remain in the Miss Peregrines loop. 

"I understand that you are confused" Miss Nuthatch said "A loop is..."

"I know what a loop is" Lorelai cut in. 

"Very well, I see i'm not wanted yet" The ymbryne said, before turning and walking out the door.

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