A New Beginning

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Alma pushed open the front door. Inside was beautiful, the hall was decorated with small trinkets, photographs and house plants. A grand staircase filled the room. Sat on one of the steps was a red-haired girl in a pale pink dress, reading. 

"Good morning Olive" Alma said.

"Good morning Miss Peregrine" The girl replied, not looking up.

"Could you gather the rest of the children for me please?" Alma asked "There's someone i would like you all to meet"

The girl called Olive looked up for the first time, when she noticed me a smile plastered her face. She walked over and extended her hand.

"Hi, I'm Olive" 

Lorelai shook her hand.


After that she hurried away, presumably to collect her housemates. The siren turned to Alma and the bird placed a hand on her upper arm.

"Everything's going to be fine, they'll love you" She assured. 


All the children were all sat in the lounge. Enoch, Olive and Emma sat on one sofa, the younger children on the floor. Alma had specifically asked for them to keep a sofa free, none of them knew the reason why. 

Lorelai and Alma were on the other side of the door, the Ymbryne on the verge of pleading for her companion to just get on with the introduction.

"No Peregrine, I'm not going to walk in there like one of your new wards"

"Please Lorelai" Alma begged. (Get your mind out of the gutter simp)

"No Alma, it's not happening"

Alma straightened her back in an attempt to make herself look threatening. It was to no avail, the siren was at least 3 inches taller than her. 

"Lorelai, the sooner you start the sooner you will get it over with, they'll love you, nothing will go wrong"

"They'll love you" Lorelai mocked "I'm sure they will, especially the one who I nearly drowned"

"Oh my bird" Alma said, grabbing Lorelai's wrist and dragging her to the door.

Using her free hand the bird pushed open the door and pulled Lorelai in.


"Children, I would like to introduce you to your new housemate, this is Lorelai"

Alma lead her over to the spare sofa and gestured for her to sit. Lorelai sank down onto the seat and Alma perched on the arm, resting a hand on the sirens shoulder. She shot her a reassuring glance before returning her gaze to the children.

"I think it best you introduce yourselves before you start asking questions" The Ymbryne announced. 

The children went around in a circle, stating their names and peculiarities. Lorelai knew she would never be able to remember all this, given that she hadn't had to learn more than one name in 50 years.

Once the last child, Bronwyn, had finished talking about her peculiarity Miss Peregrine spoke again. 

"Now you may ask questions, but one at a time please"

"Where are you from, you don't sound local?" One a blonde girl, who Lorelai thought might be called Emma, asked.

"Originally Russia, but I came here along time ago"

"What's your peculiarity?" A boy in a suit, who might be called Horace, inquired.

Rather than answering verbally, Lorelai simply allowed her legs to merge together into a pearl white tail. The younger children gaped and gasped in awe, the older ones simply shooting each other significant glances. 

"You're a mermaid!" A girl in a pink dress exclaimed.  

"Close enough" Lorelai answered.


Thirty minutes and a lot of questions later, the two adults were finally alone again, the children having reluctantly gone off to finish their morning chores. 

Alma and Lorelai were sat in the kitchen, mugs of tea clasped in their hands. 

"I don't know what you were so worried about dear, they loved you" Alma assured.

"The children maybe, but the older ones seemed rather against me. Did you see the way they kept looking at each other? I mean I'm no expert in humans but they definately have something they don't like about me"

Alma chuckled.

"You're over thinking things love, that's just how those three are, especially Enoch"

"Yeah well..." Lorelai trailed off.

"Everything will be fine" The bird said, placing her tea down and taking Lorelai's hands in hers "Everything will be just fine"

A/N - Here you go @massivesimpformissp I know I haven't updated this in ages but who gives a fuck, here is some fluff (kinda) 

Now you owe me.

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