Our Night

368 14 44

A/N - There was some sm-t. I deleted it. Soz babes

She was gone. It was over. Life was normal. Everyone was happy. For the first time in years, nothing was wrong. It was nearly two in the morning, Alma and Lorelai had snuck snuck away from the home in hopes of finding somewhere quiet for the two to be alone. To have a night similar to the ones they had before Lorelai moved to the house, before Albert and the Ymbryne council, before her sister, before everything went wrong. 

They found themselves in the cave in which they had first met. Lorelai was submerged in her pool for the first time in what felt like an eternity. Alma was perched upon the rocks on which she had been bound. 

"Lorelai, can you come here a moment?" Alma asked. Lorelai broke the surface, perching herself on the side of the pool and Alma walked over, crouching beside her.

"Yes my love?" Lorelai says, leaning closer to Alma.

"I love you"

"I love you too Alma"

"No" Alma said "You complete me, my dear. You give me purpose and meaning. You are the brightest star in my sky, and I wouldn't trade you for the world. I'm selfish like that"

"I wouldn't say you're selfish Alma, the opposite in fact" Lorelai replied, her hand raising to cup her cheek.

"I am selfish, Lorelai, I want you all to myself. The mere thought of anyone else with you makes me furious. You are mine and I am yours"

Lorelai couldn't find the words to express the pure love she was feeling in that moment, so simply pulled Alma into a kiss, her hand on the Ymbrynes waist. Alma let out a small hum her hand landing on the back of Lorelai's neck. 

The rest of the night passed as a blur. 


They were laying in bed, Alma on Lorelai's chest as the siren played with her hair. She should be trying to sleep. she had to wake the children in two hours, but her mind was going far to quickly. They had really done that. SHE had really done that. Sensible, responsible, good Alma Peregrine had been with a woman... in that way. She thought she had gotten over the disgust she felt with herself, but now, now it was back. 

She tried telling herself that there was nothing wrong with her, that it was perfectly okay for her to feel like this, but her efforts were in vain. Her childhood, her teenage years and most of her adult life she had believed that being gay was wrong, sinful and immoral.

But then came Lorelai. 

Even from the first time she saw her, her heart would pound in her chest and a strange sensation appeared in her stomach. She had never loved anyone the way she loved Lorelai. She had tried to escape it, tried to force herself to fall in love with a man, but it didn't work. Every time Lorelai looked at her her defences crumbled and she was vulnerable once again. 

"And what are you so deep in though about my love?" A voice from above her said. 

"You" She replied quietly "and how madly in love with you I am"

Lorelai leant down and planted a gently kiss on the top of her head. The section of skin she had kissed tingled and ached with longing when she pulled away. Alma leant up and kissed Lorelai gently, never wanting to part from her again. Once the broke apart Lorelai peppered kisses all over Alma's face, who giggled and turned bright red. 

"I adore you" Lorelai laughed, pulling alma, if possible, closer to her. 

Growing up catholic, the knowledge of her preferences had tormented Lorelai, the fear of going to hell had held her captive, away from the things she longed. Once she left her religion, the fear remained, not of hell, but of the fact that she may be an abomination. She had longed for something of her to be normal, if she couldn't be a normal human, she had hopes her desires would at least reflect that which society approved of. None of that mattered, however, when she met Alma. Lorelai's love for her ran so deep that fears engrained in her since she was a child no longer mattered. Nothing mattered. Nothing other than Alma. 

"You do not understand Alma" Lorelai continued "You changed me. When I met you, I didn't know who I was, I was simply surviving. You helped me find myself my love, you gave me a purpose and a meaning and took me from surviving to living and for that I shall always adore you. 

The two women laid in silence, a comfortable silence comparable to being cuddled up by a fire. beneath a blanket with a hot chocolate on a cold winter evening with the person you love. They were happy, life was normal, and for the first time, the women were free. Free to love each other and continue to raise their children. Their children. That is what they had become to the wards. Miss Peregrine and Lorelai, their mothers. 

This was what they'd both wanted. This is what they worked for. This is what they got. 

A/n - I have never been so uncomfortable as to when I was writing smut lol.

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