Vicious Tides

464 20 14

A/N - I was considering not writing this in but it is to satisfying not too.

Lorelai was walking down the beach. The outline of a man leant on a cane could just be made out from the dark blanket of the sea.  As she approached, the man turned to face her, hobbling closer as though desperate to be near. Lorelai didn't say anything, just walked straight past him and into the vicious waves, allowing her legs to merge into a pearl white tail before disappearing under the surface.

Albert followed, hobbling as fast as his cane would allow. When he reached the water he didn't stop, desperately chasing the siren into the ocean. The water reached his knees, hips, shoulders before finally consuming him all together.

Lorelai was swimming deeper, down into the darkness of the abyss. Albert followed behind as quickly as his buckling knees would allow. It was only as they reached the bottom that albert noticed the stinging in his lungs. As Lorelai disappeared from sight, he thrashed violently, trying to reach the surface, but to no avail.

His eyes drifted shut and his body drifted to the ocean floor, never to be seen again. 

A/N - Here you go @massivesimpformissp, finally satisfied?

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