Trial and Victory

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The arguments with the council seemed to go on forever. Weeks upon weeks of pleading, yelling, crying, and it seemed to go nowhere. Travelling to London had possibly been the worst part, it was the furthest Lorelai had been from Cairnholm in over 60 years. The only thing that kept her going was the idea she may get to see Alma again, she may get to go home. So the trials continued, Ymbrynes from all over the world aiding her in her attempt to get the law revoked. Until it all came to an end, on one very rainy day.

Lorelai was sat on the bed in her hotel room in the temporary loop set up by the Ymbryne council, wringing her hands. The door behind her burst open, and Miss Nuthatch came bounding in, panting for breath, a letter in her hand which she promptly thrusted at Lorelai. The siren tore the envelope open and read the letter quickly. 

To whom it may concern,

following the trial it has been decided that the no dating law of 1754 has been revoked. It was decided upon that this law was immoral and cruel. Partners of Ymbrynes who were removed from their loops shall be allowed to return should they so wish. We also offer our sincere apologies for the emotion torment ynbrynes and their partners may have experienced since out first letter.


Ymbryne Council.

A/N - Romanoff writing something happy??? Never.

Also, on a more serious note, it has been a year since the first chapter of The Dark Of Our Worlds was uploaded and I could not be more grateful for the support I have received and the people I have met through this book. Writing this, interacting with all of you, has genuinely got me through some of the toughest times I have had this last year. I love you all.

- Romanoff <3

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