The Emptiness of Our Hearts

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A/N - I warned you 

Miss Peregrine woke up earlier than usual the next morning. Maybe it was because of the ray of sunlight which slipped through the curtains and onto her face, maybe it was because of the endless thoughts running through her head.


It was because she was in love with Lorelai, and it angered her endlessly. It was wrong. It was illegal and immoral. It felt so wrong, yet so, so right. 

Alma rose out of bed and prepared for the day, then wandered down to the kitchen to prepare breakfast. 

On the counter lay a small slip of paper. 

The bird walked over to it, picked it up and examined it. Written in a familiar handwriting, was two words;

I'm Sorry


Alma practically ran upstairs to Lorelai's room and flung open the door, only to be met by a made bed and a room rid of any of the sirens belongings. 

Peregrine searched the room frantically for any sign of Lorelai, but it was to no avail. She fell to her knees and clutched her hands to her chest. She was gone, well and truly gone.

The darkness of the sky seemed to creep into the room, engulfing everything in it's endless cold. The stars dimmed and the song of birds ceased. It seemed that the entire world paused, shut down by the emptiness that echoed through Lorelai's now deserted room.

And to Alma, it seemed it may never start again.

A/N - I fucking warned you simp, I told you to enjoy the fluff you got.

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