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A letter arrived that morning. Miss Nuthatch saw where it had come from and instantly ran upstairs to give it to Lorelai. When the siren first saw the letter, she stared at the return address, joy dancing in her chest.

The Children's Home
Cairnholm Loop

"Is it from her?" Miss Nuthatch asked. Lorelai frantically opened the letter, reading it through as quickly as she could while still taking in every word.

Dear Lorelai,

I found the address to the loop you were in from unset letters written by Miss Peregrine.

Lorelai, you must come home. I don't know why you left but you must return. Miss Peregrine isn't herself. She doesn't speak, she doesn't sleep and she very rarely eats. She goes about her chores in silence, she doesn't play with the younger children, she doesn't even teach anymore. We're all worried about her. I've only ever seen her like this once before and that was after Victor's death.

Please come home,

Emma X

Lorelai stared at the letter for a few moments, a huge lump in her throat. She should have seen this coming. She should have know Alma would spiral, the tears and sobbing should have been warning enough.

"Lorelai?" Miss Nuthatch said quietly "Lorelai are you alright?"

The siren looks up at her, noticing the tears rolling down her cheeks for the first time. Hastily wiping them away, she nodded. It was clear Miss Nuthatch didn't believe her, but she decided not to pry, simply placing a hand on her shoulder for a moment before walking out. 

She doesn't speak, she doesn't sleep and she very rarely eats. 

The words were like a stab to Lorelai's heart. She had known the bird to be upset before, to neglect her health as a way of grounding. But this seemed worse. If Emma had noticed, it meant Alma was making no attempt to hide it. 

Grabbing a pen and paper, she quickly scribbled her response. 

Dear Emma,

I wish I could return home, I really do, but the Ymbryne council has banned it. You have no idea how much I miss you all, how I miss the loop. It pains me just to think of you all. But I must ask a favour of you. Please give this letter to Miss Peregrine. 

My darling Alma,

I miss you so much my love, you have no idea. Being away from you is like the moon being away from the night sky. I understand your hurt my love, but please, you must take care of yourself. Emma tells me of your state. My darling you must eat, you must sleep. If you wish to go about your life in silence then do so, but the idea of you neglecting your health in such away brings pain to me. I love you, I always have and I always will. I understand how hard my being away must be, but please my love, take care of yourself. The children have noticed. Even if it is one good meal a day, one good night sleep a week, I beg of you, don't hurt yourself like this, don't hurt me like this. I swear, I will find away to come home if it the last thing I do.

Until then, all my love

Your Lorelai. 

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