The Bird Returns

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The children gathered in the parlour, trying to establish a plan. The clock on the wall ticked to 4am.

"She can't have just vanished" Emma cried "And she's smart enough to stay in the loop"

"I don't think she's gone of her own accord" Enoch chipped in "She'd never leave us on our own without telling us"

"Emma" A small voice said from the floor

"Yes Claire?"

"Is Miss Peregrine gone forever?"

Emma knelt down on the floor and took the girl in her arms.

"Oh no hun, she'll be back soon" Emma assured, stroking the girls curly blonde hair. 


Outside, Miss Peregrine limped towards the door, praying silently that none of the children had noticed her absence.  She pushed open the door and hobbled inside.

The door of the parlous creaked open slowly and Miss Peregrine became tense. Emma's face appeared in the gap and, after a moment, she ran forwards and threw herself onto her head mistress.

The Bird let out a hiss, the extra strain on her ankle had caused a violent flash of pain.

"We w- woke up a- and you weren't here" Emma stuttered "We thought, maybe... wights had-"

Alma rubbed the blondes back and shushed her soothingly.

"I'm here now, it's okay"

After a moment Emma pulled away and led the headmistress into the parlour.

Instantly, all of the younger children and Olive ran up and practically leapt onto her. Alma wrapped her arms around the group, many of which were crying.

Slowly, the children backed away, all except Claire. Alma scooped the girl into her arms and rested her on her hip.

"Come now, time for breakfast"

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