A Gift So Gracious

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One week later, 10:04pm. All the house was asleep, with the exception of Alma Peregrine.

She was tossing and turning, unable to rid her mind of the Siren. She tried telling herself it was due to the stress the event had caused her, but she knew it wasn't true.

She would imagine how the Siren would laugh, how she would smile, how things may have been if they met under different circumstances.

And Alma was starting to hate herself for it.


Down in the cave, Lorelai stirred. She lifted her head and gazed around the room. Her dreams had yet again been penetrated by an all to familiar Ymbryne.

She raised her torso out of the water and perched on the edge, deep in thought.

Why could she not rid her mind of this woman, truthfully, she had grown a slight fondness in the hours they had spent together, but not enough for her mind to be so extremely infiltrated. She tried excusing it, telling herself that it was merely the guilt of holding her captive, but this wasn't the case. 

Her mind was filled with the birds slight smile as she had exited the cave. Oh how perfect she looked when she smiled. Lorelai thought of her eyes, so beautiful, even when flooded with tears. 

Sighing to herself, the siren dove into the depths of the pool. At the bottom, she noticed a glimmer and reached towards it. Her hand clasped around a small object. Once she reached the surface Lorelai admired it. 

It was a small silver bracelet, decorated with a single charm. It took a moment of concentration for Lorelai to realise what it was, but when she did, a small smile appeared on her face. 

It was a Peregrine falcon. 


The next afternoon, the children were out on their usual walk, accompanied by Miss Peregrine, who was walking quite a distance in front of them. They passed the beach, and walked down by the rocky area where Miss Peregrine had fallen into the cave. On a rock besides the path, lay a small piece of paper. Curious, the bird walked over to it, only now noticing the small, silver bracelet laying on top of it. 

The bird glanced at her own wrist, for the first time noticing, that it was bear. 

Her gaze returned to the paper, which she now realised to be a note. It read:

To Alma Peregrine,

I do not dare approach the house, for fear of  making you uncomfortable, but I discovered this at the bottom of the pool yesterday evening. I can not be certain, but I believe it to have slipped your wrist during our struggle. I noticed you take this path daily, I do hope it was you that discovered this.

If it is yours, I hope you know that I did not steal it. And if it isn't, enjoy the gift.

 All the best,


Alma placed the note in her pocket and returned her bracelet to her wrist before continuing with her routine.

A/N -

@massivesimpformissp and B, Here is more gayness for you both :)

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