Happy at Last

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Everyone was sat at supper. Lorelai had returned to her place beside Alma at the head of the table. Lorelai's hand sat intertwined with Alma's beneath the table, gently rubbing the back of it with her thumb. Every now and then Lorelai would give Alma's hand a playful squeeze causing the bird to nudge her with her foot.

Finally kissing Alma again was, in her opinion, the best decision Lorelai had ever made. Cuddling with Alma while the children were in bed and sneaking kisses while no one was looking was giving Lorelai a euphoric happiness she had never felt before.

Alma was finally hers. Hers alone.

A/N - This is very short because I'm at a cadet camp and can't have my phone for very long...

Literally, I get it taken away in 20 minutes. But anyway here is more fluff for you idiots.

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