Closing the Gap

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Four months had passed and they had been the best four months of Lorelai's life. The gap that had been forged between Alma and her during Albert's presence had disappeared, replaced by a closeness they had both secretly craved for the past 2 years.

Lorelai was in her cave while everyone else was on the beach.

"Emma" Alma called.

"Yes Miss Peregrine?" She replied, walking over.

"I need to go somewhere, would you mind watching the others for a minute"

"Of course"

Alma walked away over to a rocky area, then gently lowered herself down a hole. As she slid down into the cave, Lorelai spun round.

"Oh" She sighed "It's just you. How are you?"

"I need to admit something to you" Alma rushed "And, I don't know if it's wrong or immoral or disgusting. I mean I feel disgusted by myself for it a lot of the time but I like you, a lot. You don't have to say anything, I know that you probably don't feel anything like that for me and I'm probably freaking you out and you probably won't want to speak to me again or come back to the house but-"

Lorelai cut her off by pushing herself up out of the water and pressing her lips onto Alma's, closing the gap between them. Alma's hand darted to Lorelai's hair, Lorelai's hands fell to Alma's waist, pulling her closer.

After a moment, they broke apart, their heads resting against each other as they stared into each others eyes.

"I guess this means you like me to?" Alma whispered.

Lorelai quickly kissed her again "Clearly"

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