Care and Comfort

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Alma Peregrine was never told what happened to Albert Kno, but she guessed.


The morning after the drowning, Alma painfully walked downstairs to find the children sat at the table, eating a breakfast she had not prepared. They were laughing and talking with no sign of problems. Lorelai walked into the room and hustled over to Alma.

"What are you doing up?" She asked

"I came to cook for the children" Alma replied "Like I have done every morning for 50 years"

"No, I'll cover you're responsibilities" Lorelai ordered "Back to bed, I'll bring your breakfast up"

Alma stared at her disbelievingly, it was happening again. Lorelai was having to care for her again. The bird shook her head and walked to the head of the table. She tried to pull her chair out, and let out a whimper of pain as her back bent. Lorelai practically ran over to her, pushing the chair back under the table and taking Alma's hands in hers. 

"Pretty bird" The siren whispered "I know how injured you are, I saw the extent of it last night. You need to go to bed. If it's any comfort you can come outside for reset. But you need to rest"

Alma let out a sigh "fine"

Lorelai lent over the table and grasped a plate, putting toast, bacon and everything else she knew alma liked on it. 


When they finally reached Alma's bedroom, Lorelai placed the plate on the bedside table and pulled the covers back on the bed. Reluctantly, Alma sat down, letting out a groan of pain. She leant back against the head board. Lorelai pulled the covers over her legs, pulled a nightgown out the the bedside draw, placed it on the bed and perched next to the bird, who was looking at her with a strange look in her eyes. Confusion? Gratefulness? She couldn't tell 

"Now, you're going to eat you're food, change your clothes and rest" Lorelai ordered "Understood?"

"Yes ma'am" Alma replied, sarcastically.

"Did Alma Peregrine just use sarcasm?"

"Alright, bugger off" 


It was about midday and Lorelai had just sat the children down for dinner. After asking Emma to watch them, she grabbed a plate she had prepared for Alma and made her way upstairs. As she pushed open the bedroom door, she saw Alma laying asleep in bed. But it wasn't as calm as it first seemed. 

The bird was stirring slightly, tossing gently from side to side. Her hands were crossed defensively in front of her chest and she was mumbling something under her breath.

As Lorelai walked over to her, Alma's speech became clearer and clearer.

"No, no, I promise, I didn't say anything, please, please"

Lorelai sat down on the bed next to her and placed a hand on her shoulder, shaking her gently.

"Alma, Alma, ALMA!" 

The bird shot up, looking around frantically before her eyes locked on Lorelai. Her breathing slowly levelled out, but tears were welling in her eyes. She looked down and away from the woman, but Lorelai used two fingers to gently tilt her head back towards her. Alma didn't try and look away again, so Lorelai took the birds hand in hers.

"Alma I can't say I know what you've been through, but I know what it's like to not be able to confide in anyone. So, if you want to talk, or cry I'm here to listen. If you just want to punch something, or dig your claws into something then I'm here. If you need a break, or someone to take over some responsibilities, then I'm here for you. Okay?"

Alma nodded.

"I brought you dinner" Lorelai said, placing the plate on the birds lap "Now, I in no way claim to be anywhere near as good as cooking as you are, but the children seem to like it"

Alma let out a small laugh which sent butterflies to Lorelai's stomach. 

The siren tried to stand up and walk out of the room, only to feel Alma's hand close around her wrist. Lorelai turned to face her.

"Thank you" Alma whispered.

Without thinking, Lorelai planted a kiss on the birds cheek before hurrying out of the room. Unnoticed, Alma looked down at her hands and blushed, something she felt conflicted about.

Why did Lorelai have such a hold over her? Why was she blushing? She didn't like women! Did she?

A/n - Ayyyyyyyy i'm in a good mood.

@massivesimpformissp You have vanished from my comment sections and it's depressing me.

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