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it's been a month since Lorelai moved into the house and the children adore her.

If only they knew 

She had grown especially close to Olive and Emma who were particularly excited to have another girl close to their age around. 

The three girls were sat in the drawing room talking. Maybe talking's to nice a word. They were interrogating Lorelai.

"Oh come on Lorelai you've got to like someone" Emma whined.

"Oh please tell us" Olive seconded.

"I've already told you" Lorelai insisted "There's no one"

"Hogwash" The blonde exclaimed.

"I don't believe it for a second" The red head exclaimed.

"We're not going to judge you" The first said.

There was a pause for a moment, none of them saying anything. Then Olive gasped and clsped a hand over her mouth. 

"What?" Lorelai glared at her.

"It's Miss Peregrine... Isn't it?"


She was screwed. Utterly screwed. 

Now Emma and Olive and most likely Enoch knew about your crush on the headmistress. What if they found out about the kiss? Both her and Alma would be truly fucked, not that Lorelai wasn't already.


"I do not have a crush on Miss Peregrine" Lorelai insisted.

"Oh come on Lorelai" Emma scolded "You've even picked up her catchphrases"

"No I haven't!"

Emma shot her a disbelieving look. Very quickly, before Lorelai could even realise what she was planning, Olive whipped off one of her gloves and brushed her scolding palm across the top of the sirens arm.

"Oh my bird, why would you-" She started, then a disbelieving look shot across her face.

"Told you" Olive said.

"I hate you both" Lorelai muttered.

"You have to tell her!" Emma cheered.


"Come on, the birds been lonely for so long" Olive pleaded "She deserves to know someone loves her"

"Woah, slow down" Lorelai ordered "Love is not on the table here"

"Nope" Emma mocked "Lorelai is in love with the bird"


Unknown to all three of them, the bird in question had been stood on the other side of the door for the last five minutes, and heard every word of the conversation. 

A strange feeling played in the base of her stomach. Sure, they had kissed, but it didn't mean that much, did it? 


"But why the bird? I mean she's pretty but..." Emma trailed off.

Lorelai let out a sigh and caved in. 

"Well... she's pretty, caring, sweet, funny"

The two teenagers listened in awe.

 "Oh and she does this thing, when she's thinking or confused, where she tilts her head to one side. It's adorable"

"You are 100% in love Lorelai" Olive said.


Alma was just about to walk away, when she heard Emma ask a question she herself wanted to know the answer to.

"But why the bird? I mean sure she's pretty but..."

The bird felt slightly offended at that but listened all the same.

"Well..." Lorelai's voice replied "She's pretty, caring, sweet, funny. Oh and she does this thing, when she's thinking or confused, where she tilts her head to one side. It's adorable"

Alma could feel a blush tickle her cheeks, her face grew warm and she began to play with the ends of her nails. Then a though ran to her mind.

Was she in love with Lorelai?


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