Civil Conversation

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Alma's face lit up and she flung her arms around Lorelai's neck, pulling her into a hug, realising to late that she was dripping with ice cold water.

"Ah birds!" She said shivering "I forgot about the water"

Lorelai chuckled and sank into the water.

"Why the offer" She asked "I must say I'm not the most homely person in the world"

"I enjoy your company, might as well extend the time we spend together"

"I would love that"


Two days had passed. Lorelai had gathered her things and thrown them in a rucksack Alma had leant her.

They were walking up the road towards the house, the early morning sun peaking out from behind a cloud.

"Lorelai listen" Alma started "I think it best if we pretend that kiss didn't happen"

Lorelai looked at her for a moment before replying.

"Whatever makes you comfortable"

"And I believe it more appropriate if you call me Miss Peregrine, Infront of the children at least"

"Of course"

They approached the house. It was beautiful, Lorelai thought, like something out of a novel. The sound of children playing echoed through the grounds.

We walked up the front steps and Alma pushed open the door.

A/N - I told you to enjoy the little fluff you got massivesimpformissp

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