And It Happens Again

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"Well, are you going to open that?" Lorelai asked.

Alma nodded and quickly opened the envelope. As she read, her brow furrowed, her eyes darted from side to side, her expression grew more and more... what's the word? Oh, that's right... 


"No" Alma whispered "No this can't be happening"

"Alma?" Lorelai said, walking over. She placed a hand on the bird's shoulder. "Alma what's wrong?"

Alma didn't reply, just thrust the letter into Lorelai's chest and turned away, clearly trying to hide her tears. Lorelai looked down at the letter and read.

17th November 1997

To whom it may concern,

It has come to our attention that Ymbrynes are no longer following the no dating rule put in place in 1754. While we have the greatest sympathy for our sisters in loops, Ymbrynes dating is strictly forbidden. Especially in this time of crisis, with the increased number of loops being targeted by wights, Ymbrynes cannot afford to be distracted from their duties. Beginning next week, all partners of Ymbrynes shall be removed from their loops and relocated.


Ymbryne Council

A/N - I'm back *Jazz Hands* 

This is short because I've got a new special interest (Ride the cyclone) and cannot think of anything else for more than 10 minutes.... Autism lol

Anyway hey guys sorry i abandoned you, still love you all                                                                                                                     

The Dark Of Our WorldsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora