A Voice at Dawn

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The next few days passed extremely slowly, but Lorelai wasn't complaining. 3 minutes in Alma's company felt like 3 years. Despite the extra time, she was still yet building the courage to tell the bird how she felt. 


Alma woke strangely early the next morning, her dreams penetrated by two words, repeating themselves over and over again.

Pretty Bird

The thought of the name as she brushed her teeth made her blush. She'd never been given a nickname other than the bird. Just as she picked up her hair brush she faintly heard footsteps from downstairs.

Alma wearily made her way downstairs, still in her nightgown. The kitchen light was on and a voice could be heard. The bird strained her ears to figure out what the person was saying, that's when she realised they weren't talking...

They were singing. 

The sound was angelic. In Alma's mind there was not a more beautiful sound in the world. She was so focused on the sound she failed to make the link back to the beach, or the siren, or the fact Enoch's room lay directly above the kitchen. 

She stood outside the kitchen for what felt like an eternity, hearing, but not listening. If she was listening she would have heard the creak of floorboards above her, the shutting of a door and footsteps coming down the stairs.

It was only when Enoch brushed against her shoulder, that her instincts kicked in.

She spun to face him, grasping the top of his arm so tightly that her nails dug into the boys skin. Enoch fought back, desperately trying to get the the kitchen. He was far taller than Alma, and far stronger, so when he pushed her backwards, the bird fell into the wooden banister, hitting her head so hard she saw stars.

Blood trickled down the back of Alma's head. Her vision went blurry and eventually, she slipped  into unconsciousness. 

Enoch reached out and grasped the door handle. At the very same moment, the singing stopped abruptly, like the siren had felt Enoch's approach. 

Enoch withdrew his hand and looked around for a moment, figuring out where he was, before spotting the bird.

"Oh my god" He said, then called "Lorelai!"

The siren ran out of the kitchen, stopping in her tracks when she saw Alma laying on the floor. She shook herself then crouched down next to the bird, gently lifting her head so she could check the back of it. When she saw the blood her face dropped, her mind clouded with guilt.

What had she done? She'd hurt Alma. She knew she was a danger. She never should have returned.

After a moment she snapped out of it.

"Enoch, under the sink in the kitchen there are some cloths, run one under warm water for a moment then wring it out"

Enoch nodded and hurried off to the kitchen. Lorelai's attention returned to Alma. Enoch returned a moment later, damp cloth in hand. He handed it to the sired, who slung it over her shoulder, then lifted the bird up bridle style.

"What are you doing?" Enoch asked.

"Taking her up to her room" She replied "Go back to sleep darling, you don't have to be up for another hour"

"I should really help you take care of Miss Peregrine" He paused for a moment "I was the one who hurt her, she tried to stop me from going into the kitchen, but I pushed her, and..."

Lorelai looked at him for a moment before replying.

"It's not your fault Enoch, it's mine, I was careless with my peculiarity, you had no control. Now, off to bed"

"You're sure?"

Lorelai nodded, and Enoch walked back to his room. 

The siren carried the still unconscious Alma back to her room, and placed her gently on the bed, sitting next to her and pulling her head into her lap. She gently placed the cloth on Alma's wound before pulling a blanket over the birds body. 

She sat like that for the next half hour, staring blankly at the unconscious bird in her lap.

She was a danger - she should never have come back.

A/N - Foreshadowing lol  

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