Vicious Observations

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Two weeks had past since Lorelai seeing the bruise, and since then, she hadn't taken her eyes off of Alma. The only time she didn't watch her was at night. Alma had realised she was being watched, but she didn't really mind it, she enjoyed Lorelai's attention. Albert on the other hand, was growing uneasy.

"I don't get why she has to watch you like a hawk 24/7" He complained quietly.

They were all outside, the children were playing, Alma and Albert were stood just off from the seesaw and Lorelai was perched under a tree, staring at them. 

"She's just getting used to you" Alma replied "She's watching how I act around you so she can follow"

"I don't believe that" He said, growing angry "Did you tell her or something"

"No! No of course not!"

Albert turned sharply and grabbed Alma's wrist. With that, Lorelai appeared at her heel. Albert instantly let go, hobbling back a few paces.

"Miss Peregrine" Lorelai said, her stare not shifting from the man in front of her "I believe the twins want to play with you"

Lorelai guided Alma to the twins, her hand on the birds lower back, still glaring at Albert.

"Thank you" Alma said.

"Sure" She replied, returning to the tree "Nice doorframe by the way"

A/N - heyyyyyyyyyyy. Also I love your comments they make me laugh so please keep leaving them.

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