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What do you say to the children you abandoned decades ago? That was the question, Lorelai was stumped with. Alma had rushed her up to their- her room so quickly she hadn't even had a chance to so much as glimpse her- the children. 

"You stay here, and you stay quiet" Alma hissed, slamming the door shut. 

Lorelai stood there frozen for a moment, staring at the door. Fair enough. Eventually, she regained motion, looking around the all too familiar room. The bed still stood there, pale blue covers, knitted blanket folded at the foot. It was made immaculately, as always, the covers pulled tight, pillows plumped and smoothed over. Should she lift the right hand pillow, she knew Alma's nightdress would be folded beneath it. 

Lorelai sighed, sitting cross legged in the centre of the bed, her eyes now scanning the rest of the room. Had she not experienced it, she wouldn't have known any time had passed at all. The dresser was still stood on the opposite wall, bottles and boxes laid in flawless rows on top of it, it's contents perfectly folded. The same two navy pillows sat in the window-seat, the vase on the sill was still full of tulips. There was only one noticeable difference about the room, and it was only noticeable because Lorelai knew the room so well. 

She was missing. 

Her pictures were missing. 

The frame on the dresser now contained an image of Emma and Olive stood side by side in the garden, the photo of Alma in Lorelai's arms nowhere to be seen. The family portrait on the wall was gone too, replaced by an older photograph where Abe and Victor stood proud alongside the rest. 

Lorelai had been completely erased. 

She had expected it, even hoped for it. She had prayed each night to a God she didn't believe in that Alma and the children did not miss her, that they had forgotten about her mere days after she left. Hope had outweighed reason and she had almost convinced herself that Alma had moved on completely, Lorelai cursed to distant memory. 

It was only when she was moments away from convincing herself to leave again that the footsteps outside the door returned and Alma walked in. 

Lorelai practically jumped to her feet. Unsure of what to do with her hands, she first brushed the imaginary creases from her shirt before opting to fiddle with her fingers behind her back. Subconsciously, she began rocking forward and backwards, up and down on the balls of her feet. She didn't really know what to say. 

"You're going to explain yourself" The Ymbryne hissed "and you're going to tell me where the fuck you've been"

It was slightly terrifying, hearing Alma swear - considering how much she scolded the children for it. A shiver ran down Lorelai's spine as she nodded. 


"There's more of you?" 

They were sat on the bed, Alma staring straight ahead as Lorelai stared at her. "Yeah" Lorelai whispered "Yeah, there is." 

"And that's where you've been?" 


"And you couldn't write?"

Lorelai, being Lorelai, had the almost overwhelming urge to say something sarcastic along the lines of 'I was in the middle of the ocean, not much paper', but she managed to bite her tongue. 

"I'm sorry" 

"I know." There was a pause "I'm still mad at you"

"I know" 

Alma then stood, her tone suddenly business like "Abe's room has been letted out, so I suppose you're in here- don't get too excited" She said, noticing the look on Lorelai's face "You're on the window seat for the time being"

"Fine by me" 

She wasn't going to complain. The couch was better than the street. 


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