Still Here

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When Lorelai woke up, she looked around in utter confusion. The room she was in was not her own. The walls were a dark blue and she was laying in a four-post bed. Opposite her was a vanity and two bedside tables stood either side of her. On the wall to her left were two doors, one which led to the corridor outside and the other she could only presume led to a bathroom.

After a while she realised, this room wasn't hers, it was Alma's. 

She looked to her side. Alma was laying with her head on Lorelai's pillow and her arm linked with hers.  After a moment, the birds eyes fluttered open. 

"You're up before me?" She asked, disbelievingly.

"Mhm" Lorelai hummed "How are you?"

"I'm alright, happy that your still here"

"I told you I would be"

A/N - This is very small because I'm tired. Also, it was results day yesterday and ya girl got 3 A*'s and 4 A's (Defo not bragging lol sorry) 

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