And The Past Resurfaced

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Alma was still being carried by Lorelai as they entered the house. It hadn't changed much, a few photo frames, the ones containing photo's of Lorelai, had been turned face down. Lorelai presumed that it had simply been too painful for Alma to look at them, at least, that's what she hoped the reasoning was. 

They entered the parlour and Lorelai sat down, Alma on her lap, legs around her waist. Miss Nuthatch perched on the sofa opposite them, watching with a strange look in her eyes, like a mother watching her child. Alma rested her head in the crook of Lorelai's neck, her arms tightly holding the sirens neck. Lorelai couldn't find words to describe how she felt in that moment, the pure euphoria in her chest could only be described by the art of the masters from ancient Greece.  

"Lorelai?" Alma said, lifting her head.


"I think there's something you should know" 

To their left, the door opened, and a figure appeared in the entrance way. She was tall, perhaps half an inch shorter than Lorelai, and had the same pale skin, the same ebony black hair (though the strangers was cut to her shoulders, rather than falling to her waist). The only difference was their eyes, while Lorelai's were a deep ocean blue in which Alma could get lost for days, this woman's were grey, cloudy, and furious. 

"Alma, dear?" The woman said as she stepped inside. 

Lorelai's heart stopped. Dear?  The siren stood up, causing Alma to stumble and fall to the floor. Lorelai took no notice. The strange woman stared at her, she stared back, both seemed to be scanning each other. 

"Suka" Lorelai hissed.

Alma, who had just hoisted herself from the floor, paused for a moment. It had just hit her that she'd never heard Lorelai speak in her native tongue before. 

"Language, syestra" The woman said. Lorelai looked as though she were going to kill her. 

It was taking all of Lorelai's strength not to lunge forward and strangle this woman with her bare hands. Forgetting that Alma was there, or that Miss Nuthatch sat mere feet from her, she spat on the floor. 

"You never did learn manners did you?" The woman's patronizing tone was like nails on a chalkboard.   

"What are you doing here?" Lorelai's words were like venom "I hoped you'd be long dead by now, dear sister"

"Lorelai, Lorelai, Lorelai" The woman was taking steps towards her "When are you going to grow out of this murderous stage?"

The siren couldn't bring herself to speak, every ounce of her was dedicated to not murdering the woman before her. The smug smile her sister had plastered across her face was causing her blood pressure to rise, her heartbeat pounded in her head. Give me a reason Lorelai thought Give me a reason. 

"And look" She continued "You've only been back 5 minutes and you've already hurt Alma. Sweetheart are you okay?"

That was it. Lorelai snapped. She lunged. Miss Nuthatch grabbed her and pulled her back. She was clawing at her, blood trickled down the Ymbrynes arms, but she refused to let go. 

"No, it's okay" The woman said, the false calm of her voice just enraging Lorelai more "Let her go, let her kill me...

Let her kill me like she killed our father"

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