Unexpected Addition

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After another week Alma was back to her old self, carrying out her duties as normal and Lorelai had finally built up the courage to tell het how she felt. 

She was sat in the parlour, waiting for Alma. She had asked her to meet her there, said she had something to tell her. The door opened and the bird walked in, shutting the door behind her, and took a seat next to the siren.

"What was it you wanted to talk to me about dove?" She asked.

"I- well" Lorelai stammered, more nervous than she'd ever been "It's just that, um, I-"

She was cut off half way through her sentence by the doorbell ringing. 

"Oh I'm so sorry Lorelai" Alma said, rising to her feet "I'll be right back"

She walked out of the room, leaving the door slightly ajar. Lorelai hid her head in her hands.

Why the fuck was she so awkward? She had plenty of time to tell her, why hadn't she?

A faint giggling came from the hall, the siren stood up and peeked out of the parlour door. 

Alma was stood at the doorstep, talking to a man Lorelai had never seen before. His hair was dark and short. He wore circular glasses and a suit and leant on a wooden cane. Alma was laughing at something he said, her hand on his upper arm. 

A jealous rage flooded through Lorelai, anger and hatred bubbling in her mind.

Alma turned around and spotted the woman next to the door.

"Lorelai, come over here and meet the newest addition"

Lorelai stormed over and barged past the unknown man, out of the door, bursting into a run when she was halfway down the driveway.

"What's her problem?" The man asked.

"She despises men" A voice said from behind Alma.

Alma turned round to see olive sat on the stairs.

"Oh" She said quietly "Anyway, Olive can you go and collect the others and bring them to the parlour"

"Of course Miss Peregrine"


"Lorelai!" the children called.

They had been walking around the Island for an hour, trying to find her. The man, who was now known to be called Albert Kno, was hobbling along besides Alma. 

"Did I do something wrong?" Albert asked.

"No" Alma replied "Not at all. I suppose it was my fault, she has never been the best at introductions"

They continued walking for another hour until the children became tired.

"Children" The bird said "Go back to the house, i can continue looking, I'll be back by reset"

The children groaned but eventually agreed, turning and walking off in the other direction.

"You can go too" She said to Kno "You don't have to do this on your first day"

"I don't mind" He replied "It's gives me more alone time with you"


They didn't find Lorelai that night, all though Alma knew exactly where she was hiding she didn't want to show Albert the place they kissed.

A/N - Tada *Jazz Hands* Sorry Not Sorry massivesimpformissp

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