Oh Alma Dear

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TW - Exhaustion, depression etc. 

It took days, weeks even, for Lorelai to break down the walls Alma had built up. Weeks of comforting hands on the small of her waist. Weeks of forehead kisses. Weeks of I love you, my darling. Weeks of you can tell me anything, my love. Weeks of comfort and love for the shed of a single tear.

But all damns eventually break. 

"Lorelai" A faint whisper came from the corner of their bedroom. Lorelai closed her book and looked up. Alma was stood hesitantly in the doorway, arms folded against her chest as she looked down at the floor. Lorelai placed the book down on the nightstand and opened her arms. Alma walked over to her, and collapsed into her embrace. 

"Oh Alma dear, it's alright" 

Lorelai's arms were tight around Alma's shoulders, her fingers drew shapes on her back as she hummed. A blanket found itself wrapped around the pair. The rain seemed to fall into a soft melody as sounds of the children faded away to nothingness. Lorelai didn't push for answers, she knew. The walls were cracking. The damn was breaking. 

"I'm so sorry, please, I'm so sorry"

"Darling, it's alright, you can tell me" Lorelai whispered, running a hand through her hair. Alma paused. Timed seemed to stop, like they were trapped in the moment for an eternity.

"I just- I can't do this anymore" The damn broke "I'm so tired. Years and years of this. I know we live in a loop, but I can't keep living like this, waking up everyday only to work myself to the bone. I love the children, I do, more than anything, but this is killing me"

It was then, with Alma curled in her arms, that Lorelai truly grasped, for the first time, how much Alma did around the house. Every morning she was the first awake, she prepared breakfast for them all, cleaned up after them, taught the children, cleaned the house, tended the garden, prepared dinner and supper, reset the loop, took the children to bed. It was a miracle she had lasted this long. Lorelai couldn't recall the last time she saw Alma take a moment to herself. 

"It's okay love" The siren whispered "We'll figure this out"


An hour and a half later, a plan was drafted in some random notebook. Lorelai would wake the children while Alma, being the better cook, made breakfast. Lorelai would wash up while Alma made sure the children got dressed and went about their morning chores. Lorelai would cook dinner while Alma took a while to herself. They would eat, go on the walk, mind the children going about their afternoon chores then quickly clean the house. They would then cook supper together and settle for movie time. The loop would then be reset, and they would tuck the children into bed before taking an hour for time together. 

"Thank you for this Lorelai" Alma sniffled "I know I should be able to do all this, being the Ymbryne, but... well, I don't know" 

Alma looked to the floor. Lorelai took the birds hands in hers.

"My love, you never need feel bad about asking for help, that's what I'm for, okay?" She said "I love you so much, and will continue to do so"

"How much?" Alma teased "Until when?"

"Until the sun and every other star in the cosmos has burnt out, and after that still"

A/n - Aww they're sad, shame that's not changing any time soon. <3

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