Feelings Can Travel Too

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It wasn't working.

Lorelai had thought, even hoped, that if she ran away from the home she would also be running away from the ache in her heart. She thought that if she wasn't seeing the ymrbyne daily, the thoughts would fade.

But they didn't.

Every waking moment, Alma managed to creep her way into the sirens thoughts, begging her to come home. Even asleep, the birds face would emerge, tear stained, in Lorelai's dreams.

The urge to leave this blasted house, to return home, taunted Lorelai day and night. The longing to see her Ymrbyne, to embrace her, to say how sorry she was, was becoming to much to bear.

But she couldn't return, she just couldn't. If she did the ache for the ymrbyne that taunted her here would overpower her. She would do something stupid, something so desperately naive, that Alma would kick her out of the loop.


Lorelai was sat at dinner, silently eating. The group around her laughed and joked as they always did. Over the past two weeks Lorelai had sworn she would try to integrate, to make friends, and she had, partially.

"Who's that woman Lorelai?" Amy asked innocently "The one you keep thinking about?"

Lorelai's eyes snapped to the girl. Fuck. She'd noticed. Of course she had. Damn peculiarities.

"What woman?" Lorelai replied shortly.

"The pretty one" Amy explained "Blue and black hair, bit shorter than you, always wears a dark dress. You miss her"

Lorelai glanced over at Miss Nuthatch, who quirked an eyebrow knowingly before turning to her ward.

"Amy dear, that may be private"

"Sorry Miss Nuthatch, sorry Lorelai" The girl apologised.

"That's alright" Lorelai replied.

"Lorelai dear" The Ymrbyne asked "may I speak to you outside?"

The siren let out a sigh and rose to her feet, exiting the room, soon followed by Miss Nuthatch.

"Miss Nuthatch, I promise, I can explain. You see..." Lorelai started.

Nuthatch cut her off, raising a finger to silence her.

"Lorelai I am no fool. I know who Amy described"

Lorelai looked down at her feet.

"My dear, I took you in thinking that you were a peculiar with nowhere else to go. I did not know that you have an Ymrbyne who cares about you. I don't know why you ran away, but frankly I believe that Miss Peregrine would want you back, regardless"

"Miss Nuthatch please, don't send me back there, I can't return I just can't" Lorelai pleaded.

"Not another word Lorelai, I will write to Miss Peregrine tomorrow informing her if your location. That will be all"

Lorelai tried to speak again, only to be cut off and forced to return to the table.

She sat down with one thought in her mind, she was sure that Amy could hear



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