chptr 74,,''

89 3 1

Yor anxiously tapped her foot on the floor, staring at the typewriter (not writing a single sentence)

What Loid had said as still "haunting" her, and the worst part was, she slightly did want to share "that moment" with Loid!

Stop it, Yor-San! This isn't right, Loid-San is probably still grieving from his late-wife, I can't be thinking about me, and being selfish! Yor yelled at herself as her mind paced all over the place, and it was obvious there was something going on.

Camilla quickly glanced at Yor, looking back at Millie. She finally did then notice Yor's expression. She gave a quick judgmental look before Millie started noticing too.

"Is Yor kay? She looks super stressed, y'know?" Millie observed & Camilla shrugged slightly. She quickly took Millie's wrist and brought her over to Yor.

She had finally noticed them and looked up, still keeping her hands around her head. Her elbows were propped against her thighs, and Camilla dragged Yor next.

Millie giggled as they did and Yor started stuttering, trying to find her balance & strength to push herself off of Camilla's grip. Camilla had dragged them somewhere in the boiler's room, who knows how they even got access in there.

"Camilla-San! W-What are we doing?" Yor asked, and Camilla basically threw her against the wall, crossing her arms. Millie had a cheeky smile as she stared at Yor too.

Dang, what was all the intensity needed for?

"'re acting so off today! What's wrong? You can't even focus!" Camilla confronted her, and Yor's eyes widened again. A red blush spreader across her cheeks and she quickly covered her face with her palms.

She looked back up at them, and Camilla stared even more intensely.

"Please don't worry about it, Camilla-San!" Yor tried to get rid of any ideas Camilla had, but she didn't buy it. She sighed again and bent down, staring at her. Yor only blushed more, as she was intimidated by Camilla's gaze.

"Uh-Camilla, you might be pushing it??" Millie tried calming her down, but Camilla continued to cross her arms. Millie giggled a bit and Yor slightly leaned back, trying to keep the distance between her and Camilla far.

"Fine. We'll leave you alone. Just so you know though" Camilla leaned in again and Yor felt intimidated again.

"Whatever you're hiding, we'll get it outta you soon." Camilla whispered, but then immediately straightened her posture again.

"N-not like I care!" Camilla defended herself, and Millie shrugged & giggled. Yor just laughed with Millie and nodded.

"Alright, thank you for slightly caring, Camilla-San!" Yor smiled and Camilla rolled her eyes, purposely bumping into Millie's shoulder when she left. Millie let out a quick 'ow!' before stumbling back a bit, balancing herself again.

"Dang it, I hate it when Camilla's mad!" Millie said annoyingly before shrugging again.

"Oh well, let's go back to work! Heh!" Millie laughed and Yor smiled awkwardly as they left the boiler's room.


Anya giggled mischievously at the thought of Loid & Yor kissing. And Anya couldn't believe it was actually happening!

Well, the time was never set, but it was coming soon!

Anya didn't even eat her food, she just continued to imagine what would happen. Becky had finally noticed Anya was still giggling and she leaned her head over.

"Anya-Chan! Eat your food!" Becky yelled at her and Anya jumped at her sudden tone of voice. Becky calmed down and looked at Anya with a softer expression.

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