chptr 67,,''

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   It was early in the morning, around 5:30. Everybody but the bodyguards were tired as hell, but they eventually got out of bed. Dragging themselves out of the door, they were half awake and basically dead on the inside. "Why did we have to get up so early..?" One of the singers asked, her voice trailing off at the end of the question. "So we can get you to the next point of meeting. There's a group of SSS agents waiting for all of you. Of course, two or three bodyguards will accompany you there. The rest of us will leave once we know we might be too close to them. So let's make this quick." Matthew explained to them as they all yawned and continued walking. At some point, they were all getting better and soon, they were totally fine.

"The double agent bodyguard will definitely accompany the singers, [Bodyguard 1] and [Bodyguard 2] will go as well. Once I flag the next signal, all singers will follow the three of them, and we flee the scene." He instructed the rest of them, as they all nodded. Making sure everyone was close, Matthew mainly led the group. They finally reached a close enough destination, and Matthew stopped all of them.

"Alright. Bodyguards and singers, go on." Matthew stepped aside as the singers thanked all of them for their professional protection and the stage director was basically crying for joy. He said he'd send the money to city hall, specifically for Matthew, and they could split it up there. Matthew nodded and they all left, leaving Matthew and four other bodyguards.

"Good work. We've done our part. Let's now head back to concert grounds and settle there for a few minutes. Afterwards, I'll quickly discuss the plan on exiting the venue so it doesn't arouse suspicion from others." After reaching the venue and discussing for a bit, they had the plan in motion.

The bodyguards disguised themselves as a group of friends, pretending to leave a nearby cafe around the corner. Matthew would act as a widower, visiting his dead wife's grave. They would meet up a few blocks further away from the current area. It seemed like a good plan, and so they followed. Matthew left the right side of the concert, making sure he somehow routed his way to the cemetery. Around five minutes later, he exited it. He pushed the gate open and a piece of paper fell down. What is this? Bending down to pick up whatever fell, it read :

Twilight. We know you're here, we can see right through your disguises. Meet at the address below, if you want Operation STRIX in motion, and to keep your "family" alive. Don't be stubborn.

At the bottom of the note was the address, and Matthew's eyes were wide open. Is there somebody with us, disguising as that spy? The second thoughts were kicking in, and he started to doubt his crowd. He quickly stuffed the note in his pocket, and hastily left the cemetery. I need to get to the others, in case they've already been taken.


   "Papaaa..where's Mama? Anya wants to go to a big castle again!" Anya pleaded as Loid thought to himself as well. Hm, it sure has been a while since Yor was here. She said she'd be coming back today, but I wonder what she's been doing for the past while. I'm guessing she'll be home for dinner at least.

"I'm not sure, but Bond will be back today from Franky's. At least you can play with him—or have him entertain you for the time being." Loid recalled and Anya jumped back up, smiling, basically going hyper again.

"Yay! Bond will be back!" She excitedly exclaimed and the doorbell rang. Loid told her to get the door, as it would probably be Franky. She tiptoed to reach the doorknob, and as the door opened, Bond ran to Anya, knocking her down and licking her.

"Bond!" Anya looked excited and Franky walked inside, smirking and laughing a bit.

"Where's my money!" Franky asked the moment he saw Loid, and he whipped out a thick stack of cash.

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