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  Anya yawned as she opened her room door and peered outside. Mama and Papa! They were coming this way! Anya quickly closed the door again and pressed her back against it. It felt like a Spy War episode! She panted heavily as she waited a few seconds to let them go wherever they were going. Is Mama and Papa going to flirt? She chuckled and peeked outside again. To her surprise, they were gone! Where's Mama and Papa? A door closed, and more precisely, Loid's door! Anya gasped and looked over as she centered her eyes on it. Papa and Mama are in the same room! Is unkie here? They only do this when unkie is here! She looked around and nobody was home. Bond was on a walk with Franky so it was safe to say that only Yor and Loid were in that room! Anya quickly ran over to the drawer and tip-toed to get to its level. SHOCK! Mama and Papa's fake photos aren't here! Unkie is no where to be seem either! She quietly crawled over to Loid's room and pressed her ear against the door. What are Mama and Papa talking about?


  Loid closed the door behind him after he let Yor in. "Is something wrong, Loid-San?" Yor sat down on his bed and he sat down next to her. "Yor-San, your brother came by City Hall, right?" How did Loid-San know? Is it because he was actually cheating...a-and Yuri had said that? "...Yes, yes he did." Loid clicked his tongue and put his hands on his lap. "I won't lie," Was Loid actually cheating? No way, right?! " were seeing Fiona?" She actually listened to Yuri? "No..well, she had checked on me because I was sick, right?" Yor nodded and gasped softly. "Oh no! I forgot! You're still sick! Do you need something?" She got up but Loid pulled her arm back down. "Don't go, Yor. I'm feeling better, you don't need to do anything." She felt her cheeks blush and go more red when he had said her name. "O-okay..sorry for interrupting you!" He laughed and smiled. "Don't worry, but what Yuri had told you was a bit misunderstanding. I wasn't cheating, Fiona..she was just too close for comfort. She said she didn't mean for things to look bad, and she wanted to apologize. But, her parents..they're very ill." Oh no! I feel so bad for Fiona! "I-I'm sorry! Yuri's like that..I didn't mean for him to get upset about the misunderstanding!" He put his hand on Yor's and stared into her eyes. Phase 4! "It's alright, but are you alright? He had told me..about you crying at work. I didn't mean for you to get so worried about it." She felt a bit embarrassed and looked away. "I'm..I'm alright! Don't worry about it..I was just worried about how to tell Anya-San.."

   Don't let her kindness get to you, Twilight! "Thank you for caring about this family, Yor-San. I feel better now that the air is cleared. You've always been a great mother to Anya, and a wonderful wife to me.." He took both of her hands and raised it under their chins. Please don't hit me, please don't hit me. Yor blushed and her eyes widened as she looked up to Loid. Don't hit him, don't hit him! "Y-yeah! N-no-no problem!" Loid stared at Yor and he brought his head closer. Every second, their lips got closer every time. AHA-N-NO..GA-EEEK!! Loid closed his eyes as they were about to share a kiss, but the door flung open. "LOI-LOI!" Yuri glared at him and ran inside of the room. "Unkie! Papa! Mama! Stop Unkie!" Anya tried holding back Yuri but he basically flinged off Anya. "Yuri! Y-you're back?" Yor got up and Loid let go of her hands. "S-sis! I.." Shit! Think of a believable excuse to watch over Loi-Loi! " apartment! It's..under renovation! C-could I stay here?" Unkie is another big liar. No wonder Papa and Unkie don't get along.. "Oh! Sure!" She put her hands together and smiled as Yuri smugly grinned and stared at Loid. Heh..Loidy! You thought you could find some alone time with sis, huh? You've fucked up! "Come here, Yuri! You can my room for tonight!" She smiled and thought anxiously to herself. We don't have the other stuff set up! What if Yuri's notices and suspects me and Loid! She nervously laughed and pushed Yuri into her own room while, quickly taking her things and leaving Yuri in there. "Have you already eaten or not?" He nodded his head and smiled back. "Thank you, sis! I'll always thank you f-!" "Yep!" She slammed the door and let out a sigh. Oh no..what are we going to do?

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