chptr 16,,''

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        It's been at least a week or 2 after Yor's recovery from the hospital. But, Yor had thought between her injury, her and Loid's bond would grow. It was for a while, but after that, things had gotten awkward. Yor missed the attention Loid had given her those weeks. She really wanted things to go back how they were before. Yor knew she was getting needy, she just never wanted to show him that.

  Yor looked at the window and gazed at the sunlight that morning. She hugged the pillow tightly as nonstop thoughts flooded through her mind. I wonder what Loid is doing right now.. Anya could've had a word in this but she was totally oblivious because of the television, keeping her entertained. Yor looked back down at Anya and said, "Anya-San, you need to start studying so Eden doesn't expel you! Also so you can make Loid proud!" Anya looked at Yor. "Will it make you proud, mama?" Yor sweetly smiled and nodded, having Anya to get up from the floor and run to the her room. She closed the room gently after Bond came inside too. Yor's smile faded as she was alone now. Yor looked at the clock, 3:42, then looking at the photos displayed at the dresser top. Yor's happy thoughts about her and Loid's relationship didn't last for long, as she got a phone call. She got up and walked over, answering the phone. "Hello?" "Good afternoon, Yor." "Oh, good afternoon to you too, Loid! Is something wrong?" "No, nothing is. I just wanted to let you know I'll probably be coming home late today. I have a longer shift today and I need to work with a coworker about something." "Oh, alright. Well, come back home safely." "Thank you, Yor." Loid had hang up and Yor put the phone down slowly, shaking. Yor couldn't help but wonder, who was the coworker? What if it was Fiona? Yor's heart stung a bit. No, it couldn't have been. Chances are it wasn't. But, Yor still thought it could be. She didn't know why, but in every sentence Loid had said with a female coworker, she always felt a bit of a sting in her heart. She didn't know why but she always did. I..I can't possibly be jealous of her, right? Yor kept telling herself she couldn't have been, but she probably was. It was kind of like the time when she beated Fiona in that tennis match, she was looking for Loid's praises but all she got was a simple nod. Yor really wanted to slap herself to stop acting like this with such a childish manner, but every time she did, she couldn't stop herself. 

  Dammit, another new mission? These people are taking me for granted..I can't balance 2 side missions with one big one.. Loid rushed down the street as he was already a minute or two late for meeting Fiona in the park where nobody went to anymore. He turned the corner and saw the gate's sign, slowing his pace and walked in. He saw Fiona with a black coat on, dressing it with a rather long white sunhat. He put his gloves on and sat down across from Fiona. "Ah, you're here now." Loid nodded and said, "Sorry for arriving late, I had to get through some issues." "It's fine, Handler has assigned us to take down this group of assassins in the dark hospital down a few blocks. Files said that they've been harming random innocents on the streets." Loid nodded as he and her got up, walking down the street as the green icon glowed. This should be easy, we can just distract them and take them out in a minute. That way, I'll still arrive home earlier than usual maybe and continue with Operation STRIX. Fiona tapped Loid as she signaled to go east, the assassins weren't at the entrance so they might've known company was calling them. He nodded as they tried not to draw any attention.

  Yor had decided to go to the grocery store to get some groceries for dinner since Loid wasn't coming home. She could've also ordered takeout, but she really wanted to try the recipe Camilla and her husband had taught her. Anya also wanted to try some, hearing how good it sounded. So, she left the apartment and did so. The local one near their area wasn't opened today due to some assassin group Yor didn't know. So, she had to walk more farther down the streets. She held a few bags for the groceries as she walked down the blinking green light. Just then, Yor saw someone. With somebody else. It was Loid! Yor's heart fluttered, but then dropped right back into its place. It was..Fiona he was with. They weren't even in their correct uniforms, they were wearing somewhat of an everyday outfit. Yor's mood instantly changed as she saw Loid putting his hand around her shoulder. Yor couldn't even think of why he would do this. Oh, Yor did know why. She knew this wasn't even professional between the two coworkers. So, I was right. It was Fiona who was Loid's coworker he was working with. Yor could understand this if this was for professionalism, but this most definitely wasn't. He had his arm around her and smiled as the old couple was smiling towards them. Yor really wanted to turn around and go back home and just order that takeout, but she had promised Anya that she could try the recipe. Yor spasmed as she walked down the street, walking past Loid and Fiona.

  For some odd reason, Loid and Fiona were stopped from this elderly couple on the street, helping them pick up a few things. "A-are you two, a couple by any chance?" The elderly lady smiled as she asked. Loid's instant response was to say they were just friends, but Fiona already had something else in mind. "Yes, we got engaged not too long ago!" She smiled and nodded as Loid's face dropped. What? This wasn't part of the plan! The two of them smiled and laughed as they heard what she said. Dammit! Fiona smiled back and Loid had to force one onto his face. Fiona took his arm and wrapped it around her. Loid had really wanted to get out of that situation, it was so awkward. Loid helped them pick up their last vegetable, reminding them to definitely wash it when they got back home. They nodded and thanked them again, with Fiona smiling even more. Never saw this part of Fiona, it's been a while since I've seen her smile. As cherished laughter came from the four, Loid had noticed somebody passing by. Oh, no, it wasn't any regular pedestrian, it was Yor. Loid's smile flushed as he saw her walk right past them. She looked a bit hurt, disgusted, and cold. Shit, why did Fiona have to do that. Loid couldn't help but turn around to look at Yor. She didn't have her back arched in a moody way, she just clenched harder on the bags. Loid knew he was screwed when he got back home.

   The elderly couple left as Fiona and Loid did as well. He removed his arm off Fiona and asked her, "Fiona, why did you tell them we were a couple? We can't! We cannot cause any misunderstanding and misinformation to others if they see us again!" "I apologize, they just looked and seemed happy if we said yes." "So it has nothing to do with the fact that for years, you swore that you'd never let your emotions slip for yourself for others?" He looked a bit disappointed and Fiona was as well. "Don't get me wrong, it's on the missions you can't. Everyday life, you could because it's your personal life. Not your agent's life." Fiona nodded as she apologized again for forgetting their training. She felt embarrassed but Loid told her don't let it get to her head and the spy training. They walked toward's the abandoned hospital, entering it from the back door. He pulled out his gun as Fiona did as well. They could see the assassin group waiting inside this time, behind the front entrance. Loid shot one of them as they fell to the ground, Fiona shooting one as well. The assassins were immediately alarmed and took out their weapons. Some hid behind a fallen bed as 3 of them climbed the walls and jumped back down, attacking the two. Loid blocked their attacks as Fiona shot some of them down. A few minutes after, they were all dead on the floor. Loid counted to make sure that  all of them were there and so they were. He wiped a bit of blood off his face as he handed Fiona a napkin as well. They left the hospital, ready to report back to Handler.

  Loid was finally able to return home. He walked up the stairs as he thought of excuses to tell Yor about Fiona and the misunderstanding. He took his keys out of his pocket and opened the door, greeted with bond and Anya running towards him. "PAPA!" Anya ran to Loid and hugged his leg as he stepped in and closed the door. Bond barked and jumped. He pat Anya's head as he bent down to pat Bond as well. "Mama made dinner! It is really good so you can eat it too, Papa!" He nodded and smiled, putting his bag down and his hat on the rack. "Where's Yor?" "Mama went to her room after she finished dinner." "Ok. I'll eat in a second, go study right now and you can play tomorrow. Ok?" "Ok.." Anya ran to her room with Bond, even though she didn't want to study. Loid scratched his head as he wasn't sure how to tell Yor, even though she had already known. Maybe it wasn't Yor who passed us..but chances are it was. Who with black hair, the same headband, and the same red eyes would pass us and not be Yor? He mustered up his courage as he walked over toward's Yor's door.

  Yor was in her room, thinking about what had happened. Keep it together, Yor. Don't try to kill's not even like you! Plus, she did nothing wrong, so there's no idea of me to actually kill her! She touched the tips of her golden stiletto weapons, spinning them around. Just then, somebody had knocked on the door. She looked up in shock. She bent down to put away the weapons and locked her cabinets. She got up and walked over to the door. Before opening it, she told herself, it's just Loid, you don't need to get mad at him. She opened the door and looked up. Yep, it was Loid. "Hey, Yor. Why don't you come out to eat with me?" "Oh, alright!" Yor tried to keep herself in a happy tune. They walked over and Yor grabbed two plates, placing dinner on them. She came back as she put the dishes down and sat down as well. "It's look good, Yor." "Thank you, Camilla taught me how to make it today." He nodded as he took a bite. "So, I just wanted to say, I'm not going to hide it. I'm sorry that I had Fiona under my arm. She had just made some fake excuse to this elderly couple, saying she didn't want to hurt their feelings in any way." "It's..alright. I understand. It probably made them happy so it's ok." Wow, she took that well. "Thank you, Yor, for understanding so easily. No wonder Yuri enjoyed his childhood with you so much."

word count : 1982

A/N : hi guys! Hope you like today's story and have a nice day/night!

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